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How to Establish Financial Engineering Instruments with EU Funds

Von European Academy for Taxes, Economics & Law

Handel, Wirtschaft, Finanzen, Banken & Versicherungen

DE - 10117 Berlin
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Prepare for a more efficient use of EU Funds

The European Commission promotes the use of Financial Engineering Instruments (FEI) with EU Funds. The proper use of the financial instruments leads to more rewarding results for national and local authorities. FEI such as JESSICA, JEREMIE, Loan, Mezzanine and Equity Schemes as well as Microcredit Funds can provide financing for regional priorities as well as sustainability of the resources beyond the programming period.

In the new programming period 2014-2020 financial instruments will become even more important. Therefore the experience gained before 2014 will be crucial for a more efficient use of EU Funds in the future.

An outlook on the new programming period 2014-2020 and the future regulatory framework for financial instruments will be delivered. Participants will learn which financial tools ensure smooth and wide absorption of the EU Funds and how to develop and implement FEI.

The lecturers are leading European experts

• Paolo Cesarini, Head of Unit, State Aid Policy: R&D, Innovation and Risk Capital, European Commission, DG Competition
• Dennis Wernerus, Auditor, Human Capital, Technology and Innovation, Enterprises, ICT Performance Audit, European Court of Auditors
• Piotr Stolowski, Head of Region, Regional Business Development, European Investment Fund
• Martin Dastig, Member of the Strategy and Business Development Team, Investitionsbank Berlin, Germany
• Dr Dietrich Englert, ESF Managing Authority, Federal Ministry of Social Affairs and Labour, Germany
• Robert Michalski, Deputy Director, ROP Managing Department, Marshal’s Office of West Pomerania Region, Poland

Further information and the registration form are available here: http://www.euroacad.eu/fileadmin/user_upload/dateien/seminars/How-to-establish_financial_engineering_instruments_with_eu_funds_PR.pdf
Eingestellt am: 02.04.2024 von: Asya Ognyanova.

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