
Suchmaschinenoptimierung mit PdW
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Handel, Wirtschaft, Finanzen, Banken & Versicherungen
26.08.2013 - 30.08.2013

DE - 10785 Berlin
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26th – 30th August 2013

Fraud and corruption in the public sector heavily harm the economy, lower investment levels and reduce public finances. Damages done to public institutions and their budgets can be enormous ranging from financial loss, reduction of organisational performance, reputation, credibility and public confidence.

At the Summer Academy “Fraud and Corruption in the Public Sector” participants will learn about the entire cycle from effective risk management, preventative measures and detection methods to concrete actions to be taken in a confirmed case of fraud or corruption. They will have the one-in-a-year chance to exchange experiences and to get answers of their questions from top European anti-fraud and anti-corruption experts.
This Summer Academy is tailored to the needs of anti-fraud and anti-corruption officers, internal and external auditors, compliance officers, procurement officers, executive managers, judicial and police officers working on economic crime, customs agents and other members of staff responsible for fighting fraud and corruption or working in areas with high risk of fraud and corruption from the public sector or from consultancies managing projects with or for the public sector.

The lecturers are:
• Badouin Baudru, Deputy Head of Cabinet of Commissioner Algirdas Šemeta for Taxation, Customs, Statistics, Audit and Anti-Fraud, European Commission
• Peter Baader, Anti-Fraud Adviser to the Director General, Directorate-General for Agriculture and Rural Development, European Commission
• Rolf Schlotterer, Criminal Police Director, Adviser to the Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Interior and Head of the Center for Prevention and Combating of Corruption in Bulgaria, on assignment from Federal Ministry of the Interior, Germany
• Melvyn Neate, Former Director of Internal Audit for Her Majesty’s Revenue and Customs, United Kingdom
• Jo Kremers, Senior Audit Manager, National Audit Office, Ministry of Finance, the Netherlands
• Klaus Groth, Head of Unit, Structural Public Affairs, Senate Department for Urban Development and Environment, Federal State of Berlin, Germany
• Anja Wagemans, Finance Officer, IOM – International Organization for Migration, the Netherlands

All details regarding the programme, the speakers and the registration form are available here: http://www.euroakad.eu/fileadmin/user_upload/dateien/conferences/Summer_Academy_Fraud_and_Corruption_in_the_Public_Sector_PR.pdf
Eingestellt am: 06.01.2024 von: Asya Ognyanova.

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