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Nuclear technologies - good for the climate...

Von JS Research GmbH

  To get the best out of soil, water and crops, the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) is developing techniques using nuclear technology. According to the IAEA, it wants ...   | Weiterlesen

Nukleare Techniken – gut für das Klima...

Von JS Research GmbH

  Um das Beste aus Boden, Wasser und Nutzpflanzen herauszuholen, entwickelt die Internationale Atomenergie-Organisation (IAEA) Techniken mit Hilfe der Nukleartechnologie. Die IAEA will laut eigener Aussage den Beitrag der ...   | Weiterlesen

Gold price indicators

Von JS Research GmbH

  Indicators can help with decision-making, both for professional investors and novices. Indicators can also be combined, as there is a lot in this area. To start with, these ...   | Weiterlesen