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Silver as a Diversification for Your Portfolio

Von Swiss Resource Capital AG

Like gold, silver acts as a safe haven. As an industrial metal, the "little brother of gold" offers growth potential, risk mitigation, and stability—especially valuable during financial or geopolitical ...   | Weiterlesen

Silber als Diversifizierung fĂŒr das Portfolio

Von Swiss Resource Capital AG

Silber dient Ă€hnlich wie Gold als sicherer Hafen. Als Industriemetall sorgt der kleine Bruder des Goldes fĂŒr Wachstumspotenzial, Risikominderung und StabilitĂ€t. Dies ist besonders dann, wenn finanzielle oder geopolitische ...   | Weiterlesen

Copper and Uranium – Opportunities for Investors

Von Swiss Resource Capital AG

Looking back, a ton of copper cost just under $5,000 in 2016, while a pound of uranium was priced at around $25. Since then, both commodities have experienced significant ...   | Weiterlesen