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European Seminar including a Workshop with Experts from the European Court of Auditors

The use of EU funding has not only to comply with the regulations on structural funds but also with public procurement legislation. EU funds have to be managed cost effectively, efficient and in accordance with the law. Breach of public procurement rules still causes too many irregularities in EU-funded projects.

Public Administration Experts who deal with the management, control and certification of EU Funds as well as EU Funds Project Managers should prevent the worst case scenario of cancellation of funding and learn how to avoid irregularities in public procurement for EU funded projects. The European Academy for Taxes, Economics & Law invites experts dealing with public procurement for EU funded projects to learn

• What are the public procurement rules and principles that have to be followed when dealing with EU-funded projects
• What are the practical issues of tender procedures within EU-funded projects
• How to choose the most appropriate procurement route and contract award criteria
• How to make sure that tender specifications include all necessary details
• What are typical problems in contract award procedures related to EU-funded projects
• How to best use the MEAT criteria
• What are the challenges of authorities and beneficiaries in the executions of public contracts
• How can authorities and beneficiaries manage the administrative burden related to public procurements
• What is the ECJ case law in the field of public procurement
• What is the European Court of Auditors’ approach to the audits of EU-funded projects
• How does an Audit Authority check public procurement procedures in practice
• What can be expected from the modernisation of EU public procurement rules

Further information and the application form you will find here: http://www.euroacad.eu/fileadmin/user_upload/dateien/seminars/Public_Procurement_for_EU_Funded_Projects_PR.pdf.
Eingestellt am: 28.03.2024 von: Asya Ognyanova.

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