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Jadar Lithium Ltd.: Erste Probennahmen auf Projektgebiet Vranje-South definieren Li-B-Anomalien

Von Jadar Lithium Ltd.

Thumb Erste Probennahmen auf Projektgebiet Vranje-South definieren Li-B-Anomalien HÖHEPUNKTE - Interpretation der ersten Probendaten auf Projektgebiet Vranje-South abgeschlossen - Vorläufige Flusssediment- und Bodenuntersuchungen definieren eine Anzahl von Gebieten mit erhöhter Lithium- und Bormineralisierung auf Projektgebiet Vranje-South - Gute Korrelation zwischen B- und Li-Zonen in 2 Gebieten - Programm aus Anschlussprobennahmen in Planung 20. August 2018, Jadar Lithium Limited (ASX: JDR) (Jadar oder das Unternehmen) berichtet über den aktuellen Stand der ersten Erkundungsproben und Kartierungsarbeiten auf seinem Projektgebiet Vranje-South in Serbien. Die ersten Boden- und Flusssedimentprobennahmen konzentrierten sich auf großflächige Verwerfungen und Spalten innerhalb des Sedimentbeckens. Das Probenprogramm wurde im vergangenen Quartal abgeschlossen und die Proben an das ALS-Labor in Bor, Serbien, geschickt, wo sie aufbereitet wurden. Diese Proben (Trüben) wurden anschließend an das ALS-Labor in Kanada geschickt, um weiter auf Lithium, Bor und verbundene Elemente untersucht zu werden. Flusssediment- und Bodenproben Ziel dieses ersten Beprobungsprogramms war, anomale Zonen im Konzessionsgebiet zu identifizieren, die auf Lithium-Bor-Mineralisierung in der Tiefe hinweisen könnten. Mit Sedimentgestein aus dem Miozän überdeckte Gebiete sind potenziell aussichtsreich für Lithium-Bor-Mineralisierung des Jadar-Stils. Das Bodenprobenprogramm hat 4 Zonen mit stärkeren Bor-Anomalien definiert, von denen zwei auch höhere Lithiumwerte aufweisen. Das Programm hat vier Gruppen mit erhöhter Bor-Konzentration in den Bodenproben und in den als aussichtsreich angesehenen Sedimentfolgen definiert. Die Zonen mit erhöhter Borkonzentration liegen auf und in unmittelbarer Nähe zu Verwerfungslinien und Trends in den Sedimentbecken. Die Bor-Werte erreichen mehr als 800 Teile pro Million (ppm), was als erheblich gilt. Die Lithiumwerte in den Bodenproben definieren zwei Gebiete, die als anomal angesehen werden. Außerdem sind die Gruppen mit erhöhter Lithiumkonzentration auch mit erhöhten Borwerten assoziiert. Das Unternehmen ist der Ansicht, dass diese Ergebnisse weitere Anschlussarbeiten rechtfertigen, um die Anomalien genauer zu definieren. Weitere Proben werden auf dem gesamten Konzessionsgebiet gesammelt, um zu bestimmen, ob noch weitere Anomalien definiert werden. http://www.irw-press.at/prcom/images/messages/2018/44340/2018-08-07 JDR_ASX_Prelim Expo Update Vranje V3_Final DL_V2_Kurz-DE_PRCOM.001.jpeg Abbildung 1 - Geologie des Projektgebiets Vranje-South und Standorte der Bodenproben sowie Lithium-Ergebnisse http://www.irw-press.at/prcom/images/messages/2018/44340/2018-08-07 JDR_ASX_Prelim Expo Update Vranje V3_Final DL_V2_Kurz-DE_PRCOM.002.png Abbildung 2 - Geologie von Vranje-South, Standorte der Bodenproben und Bor-Ergebnisse Für das aktuelle Quartal geplante Arbeiten: - Infill-Proben der Zielgebiete und weitere Bodenproben auf dem gesamten Konzessionsgebiet - geophysikalische Untersuchungen, um die Tiefe des Beckens zu bestimmen, sofern das Ziel beim Anschluss-Bohrprogramm bestätigt wird Das Unternehmen wertet derzeit die Ergebnisse aus den anderen Projekten aus und wird diese nach Abschluss veröffentlichen. ENDE Anfragen richten Sie bitte an: Luke Martino Non-Executive Chairman Tel: +61 8 6489 0600 E: luke@jadarlithium.com.au Stellungnahme des Sachverständigen Die in dieser ASX-Meldung enthaltenen Informationen zu den Explorationsergebnissen wurden von Herrn Jerry L. Aiken, einem eingetragenen Mitglied der Society for Mining, Metallurgy & Exploration (SME), zusammengestellt. Herr Aiken hat ausreichende Erfahrungen, wie sie für den Mineralisierungstyp und die Art der hier betrachteten Lagerstätte sowie die von ihm durchgeführten Tätigkeiten wesentlich sind. Er verfügt somit über die entsprechenden Qualifikationen, die ihn zum Sachverständigen gemäß den einschlägigen australischen Richtlinien der Berichterstattung (Australasian Code for Reporting of Exploration Results, Mineral Resources and Ore Reserves, Ausgabe 2012 - JORC-Code 2012) befähigen. Herr Aiken ist für Jadar Lithium Limited als Berater tätig und stimmt zu, dass die vorgelegten Informationen in der hier präsentierten Form und in diesem Zusammenhang in der vorliegenden Meldung veröffentlicht werden. Haftungsausschluss Bestimmte Aussagen in dieser Meldung stellen zukunftsgerichtete Informationen dar. Diese Informationen basieren auf einer Reihe von Schätzungen und Annahmen, die das Unternehmen unter Berücksichtigung seiner Erfahrung, der aktuellen Bedingungen und der Erwartungen hinsichtlich zukünftiger Entwicklungen sowie anderer Faktoren, die das Unternehmen unter den gegebenen Umständen für angemessen hält, auf einer vernünftigen Grundlage getroffen hat. Obwohl diese Schätzungen und Annahmen als angemessen gelten, sind sie naturgemäß geschäftlichen, wirtschaftlichen, wettbewerblichen, politischen und gesellschaftlichen Unsicherheiten und Unwägbarkeiten unterworfen, von denen viele nur schwer vorhersehbar sind und im Allgemeinen nicht im Einflussbereich des Unternehmens liegen. Diese können dazu führen, dass die tatsächlichen Ergebnisse wesentlich von denjenigen abweichen, die in den zukunftsgerichteten Informationen und Aussagen ausgedrückt, impliziert oder prognostiziert werden. Obwohl das Unternehmen der Auffassung ist, dass alle wesentlichen Annahmen angemessen sind, besteht keine Gewissheit, dass sie sich als richtig erweisen werden oder dass die in dieser Meldung ausgewiesenen Ergebnisse erreicht werden können. Zukunftsgerichtete Aussagen sind Aussagen, die keine historischen Tatsachen darstellen. Wörter wie erwarten, fühlen, glauben, werden, können, rechnen mit, Potenzial und ähnliche Ausdrücke sollen zukunftsgerichtete Aussagen kenntlich machen. Diese Aussagen beinhalten, sind jedoch nicht beschränkt auf Aussagen über die zukünftige Produktion, Ressourcen oder Reserven sowie Explorationsprogramme und -ergebnisse. Eine Vielzahl von Faktoren kann dazu führen, dass die tatsächlichen Ergebnisse des Unternehmens wesentlich von denjenigen abweichen, die in den vom oder im Namen des Unternehmens bereitgestellten zukunftsgerichteten Informationen ausgedrückt oder impliziert werden. Zu diesen Faktoren gehören unter anderem Risiken in Bezug auf den Preis von Lithium und anderen Rohstoffen und Wechselkursschwankungen; Explorationsrisiken; Risiken in Bezug auf die Auswertung von Explorations-, Probe- und Bohrergebnissen, die Geologie, den Gehalt und die Kontinuität von Minerallagerstätten und Schlussfolgerungen aus wirtschaftlichen Bewertungen; Erschließungsrisiken; Betriebsrisiken; Wettbewerb; zeitliche Verzögerungen; regulatorische Einschränkungen; Umweltschäden und -haftung sowie zusätzlicher Finanzierungsbedarf. Obwohl das Unternehmen versucht hat, alle wesentlichen Faktoren, die eine Abweichung der tatsächlichen Ergebnisse bewirken können, zu identifizieren, kann es andere Faktoren geben, die dazu führen, dass die Ergebnisse nicht wie erwartet, geschätzt oder beabsichtigt ausfallen. Die zukunftsgerichteten Informationen sind keine Garantie für zukünftige Leistungen und die Anleger werden daher davor gewarnt, sich aufgrund ihrer inhärenten Unsicherheit nicht auf zukünftige Informationen zu verlassen. Zukunftsgerichtete Informationen gelten zum Zeitpunkt dieser Meldung (oder wie anderweitig angegeben) und das Unternehmen übernimmt keinerlei Verpflichtung, solche zukunftsgerichteten Informationen öffentlich zu aktualisieren, sei es aufgrund neuer Informationen, zukünftiger Ereignisse oder Ergebnisse bzw. aus anderen Gründen, es sei denn, dies wird gesetzlich gefordert. Unter folgendem Link finden Sie die englische Originalmeldung: https://www.asx.com.au/asxpdf/20180820/pdf/43xgp2byvdn789.pdf Die Ausgangssprache (in der Regel Englisch), in der der Originaltext veröffentlicht wird, ist die offizielle, autorisierte und rechtsgültige Version. Diese Übersetzung wird zur besseren Verständigung mitgeliefert. Die deutschsprachige Fassung kann gekürzt oder zusammengefasst sein. Es wird keine Verantwortung oder Haftung für den Inhalt, die Richtigkeit, die Angemessenheit oder die Genauigkeit dieser Übersetzung übernommen. Aus Sicht des Übersetzers stellt die Meldung keine Kauf- oder Verkaufsempfehlung dar! Bitte beachten Sie die englische Originalmeldung auf www.sedar.com, www.sec.gov, www.asx.com.au/ oder auf der Firmenwebsite! Table 1. Soil Sampling results - Vranje South ME-MS89L method Sam.Ag As B ppm B Ba Be Bi Ca pCd Ce pCo Cs Cu Dy pEr pEu pFe pGa pGd pGe p ID ppm ppm MS89L ppm ppm ppmerc ppmpm ppm ppm ppmpm pm pm erc pm pm pm S-70- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 1 S-70<5 113 181 392 2 0.2 0.9 <0.862 4.7 9.3 20 2.571.371.032.9 24.92.991.1 3 S-70<5 39 70 430 2.6 0.3 1 <0.853.114.714.620 3.8 2.131.1 2.7919.33.891.6 4 S-70<5 14 39 486 4.1 <0.11 <0.875.912.24.3 20 4 2.8 1.272.8 24.54.471.4 6 S-706 134 253 588 3.4 0.6 1 0.9 70.520.329.660 7.784.052.225.1522.57.112.6 7 S-705 194 107 494 3.8 0.3 0.9 0.8 79.717.524.530 5.032.891.6 4.3225.15.881.6 8 S-7110 123 147 545 4.3 0.5 1.1 0.9 75.418.322.240 4.822.421.5 4.4624.26.042 9 S-72<5 92 121 578 1.8 0.4 2 0.8 59.616.720.740 4.5 2.581.393.6419.45.131.9 1 S-72<5 68 171 319 3.4 0.2 1.1 <0.857.89.7 8.6 20 3.552.041.212.7822.94.6 1.3 3 S-726 88 109 482 2 0.4 1.1 0.8 54.715.522.130 3.992.191.113.4519.13.981.9 4 S-72<5 65 42 316 2.5 0.2 1.3 <0.844.310.68.6 20 3.211.640.871.8217.43.181.6 5 S-725 125 139 439 2.6 0.4 1.1 <0.873.614.322.650 3.752.071.674.2125.25.111.5 6 S-72<5 188 170 498 2.7 0.4 1.1 <0.863.321.836.660 3.681.921.214.7425.45.081.8 7 S-72<5 126 103 428 2.8 0.4 7.1 <0.869.911 19.340 3.852.011.672.7 8 S-735 126 168 547 3.1 0.5 1 0.8 74.720.629.650 6.6 3.381.635.1 23.45.832.1 1 S-7310 92 199 524 3.3 0.4 1.5 <0.867.118.323.940 4.452.561.433.9221 5.571.9 2 S-738 87 99 547 2.2 0.3 1.7 1.1 49.711 13.230 3 4 S-73<5 66 110 380 2.2 0.1 3.8 1.1 44.613.19 20 2.821.851.252.8421.43.431.5 5 S-73<5 61 106 454 1.6 0.2 2 0.8 63.415.511.120 4.242.491.082.7115.94.331.4 6 S-736 59 105 474 2.1 0.3 1.8 0.8 58.615.712 30 4.182.541.5 2.9717.54.651.6 7 S-737 74 94 298 2.8 0.2 1.3 <0.864.39.5 8.4 30 3.652.2 1.443.4223.34.791.4 8 S-739 84 120 631 3.1 0.4 1.1 0.9 79.417.856.650 7.453.941.934.4621.47.681.5 9 S-748 58 103 538 1.8 0.4 1 1 65.419.319 40 5.023.3 1.363.3317.54.762.1 0 S-74<5 98 158 541 1.9 0.3 1.1 0.9 66.418.732.440 1 S-7417 74 176 563 3.5 0.5 1 1.2 72.620.921.440 2 S-74<5 66 78 364 1.3 0.2 1.3 <0.855.713.111.430 3.581.910.982.9321.24.242.7 3 S-747 123 175 618 1.8 0.4 1.8 0.9 71 18.873.150 5.522.981.634.0621.95.8 1.9 4 S-745 39 67 189 3 0.1 1.6 <0.837.27 3.7 <20 2.161.760.782.0716.82.481.4 6 S-74<5 59 57 390 2.4 0.4 1.1 0.8 59.39.9 8 20 4.583.291.292.4316.45.131.1 7 S-746 82 77 473 2.4 0.5 1.2 0.9 61.517.518.530 4.983.091.273.4317.94.842 8 S-74<5 76 95 531 2.6 0.4 1 <0.873.120.324.140 5.352.921.2 4.2720.95.931.9 9 S-75<5 48 51 419 3.6 0.4 0.7 <0.867.913.611.620 4.663 1.283.6219.44.741.5 0 S-756 40 70 465 2.7 0.5 0.9 0.8 62.812.312.120 5.361.5 1 S-756 53 112 480 3.3 0.5 0.9 <0.854.417.125.530 4.1 2.771.224.1320 4.8 2.2 2 S-756 80 295 653 3 0.6 2.2 1 70.520.425.150 5.312.891.545.2 3 S-755 67 239 514 2.5 0.5 4.8 0.9 62.320.229.740 4.823.041.334.5721.36.362.2 4 S-756 44 286 554 2 0.5 1.3 1.1 64.917 21.840 4.932.991.464.2523.55.8 2 5 S-75<5 48 159 469 2.2 0.4 1 <0.847.615.813.640 3.712.440.954.1718.94.842.1 6 S-756 42 204 395 0.9 0.4 19.70.8 41.812.315.440 4 2.130.973.1 13.93.8 1.5 7 S-755 71 244 470 1.6 0.5 9.3 0.9 46.915.436.640 3.412.060.994.0117.74.171.5 8 S-755 102 208 548 2.8 0.6 2 <0.866.722.424.650 5.062.731.294.6623.55.922.4 9 S-765 118 321 611 1.8 0.4 0.8 <0.860.516.621.450 5.993.511.465.1 23.65.792.4 0 S-766 13 208 524 1.6 0.5 7 <0.845.312 11.430 3 1.730.9 2.6516.73.791.9 1 S-766 82 188 615 3.2 0.6 1.7 0.9 66.420 26 50 2 S-765 115 294 648 2.9 0.6 3 1.1 67.218.850.150 5.663.181.4 5.0621.26.041.9 3 S-768 51 120 512 2 0.6 0.9 1 4.412.771.123.2 18.44.331.6 4 S-767 73 153 602 3.4 0.5 0.9 <0.868.621.421.140 5 S-766 47 120 524 2.3 0.6 7.5 1 56.716.718.940 4.322.531.143.9419.54.811.9 6 S-765 65 120 576 3.4 0.5 0.9 1.1 64.619.820.540 5.383.061.314.4 7 S-765 42 126 505 2.9 0.5 0.8 1 82.919.530.640 8.454.781.894.5121.28.371.8 8 S-767 64 93 527 3 0.4 0.9 0.9 71.619.124.140 5.683.1 1.584.3821.26.362.3 9 S-776 71 93 459 2.1 0.5 1 1 71.313.121.640 4.872.611.394.2720.15.061.9 0 S-776 107 87 589 3.1 0.6 1.1 0.8 77.923.525.750 5.683.491.7 4.6421.66.052 1 S-777 157 160 638 2.5 0.7 1.2 0.9 74.623.234.660 4.952.9 1.394.7421.95.452.2 2 S-77<5 73 110 483 2.8 0.4 2.8 <0.859.918.339.330 4.752.831.014.0518 4.922.2 3 S-77<5 66 219 547 1.7 0.5 2.2 <0.857.918.917.140 5.112.821.214.2321.65.032.3 4 S-775 61 226 470 1.2 0.4 8.8 <0.848.313.214.930 4.1 2.3 0.853.4518.14.841.9 5 S-77<5 123 256 466 2.3 0.4 14.7<0.843.916.422.650 2.772.280.813.9416.14.6 1.6 6 S-77<5 64 288 506 2.1 0.5 3.9 <0.849.114.618.240 4.172.641.093.7919.14.681.7 7 S-775 45 180 556 2.8 0.4 1.1 <0.858.813.320.230 5.243.321.373.6 19.65.652 8 S-775 24 191 515 1.9 0.4 1.1 <0.849.411.417.230 9 S-78<5 63 169 490 2.6 0.3 7 <0.853.215.727.740 4.012.521.424.0117.64.671.6 0 S-78<5 52 96 350 2.1 0.4 1.7 <0.849.912.710.320 3.5 1.571.242.8217.54.491.7 1 S-785 88 102 376 1.8 0.4 2.5 0.8 51.312.810.630 3.241.391.173.3321.33.821.7 2 S-786 49 137 515 2.8 0.6 0.9 1 58.215.816.130 4.682.841.323.9221.75.022.5 3 S-785 70 379 591 3.1 0.5 0.6 <0.864.716.126 40 4.632.661.044.2723.34.722.2 4 S-785 82 259 535 2.9 0.5 0.9 <0.863.313.916.940 4.882.811.373.7624.24.6 2.1 5 S-785 75 275 521 2.3 0.4 3.4 <0.860.317.730.640 6 S-785 46 45 284 1.7 0.3 3.1 0.9 32.36.9 7.4 20 2.641.550.9 2.7719.52.951 7 S-787 75 122 391 1.8 0.5 3.5 1.1 54.814.715.740 3.151.731.113.1722.34.241.7 8 S-786 133 178 522 2.4 0.6 6.4 1.2 56.617.226.640 5.212.911.4 4.0719.15.681.6 9 S-797 153 187 560 1.4 0.4 8.6 0.8 59.316.324.750 4.612.341.343.3919.15.291.6 0 S-795 231 66 309 2 0.5 1.7 0.8 46.58.9 9.2 40 2.861.621.093.4521.43.851.8 1 S-795 80 49 301 0.7 0.2 20.50.9 26.77.4 4.2 <20 2.471.950.771.417.1 2.570.6 2 S-79<5 97 141 518 2 0.5 1 <0.851.513.929.140 5.112.511.254.1219.14.582.5 3 S-795 63 68 492 1.7 0.3 2.4 0.8 40.19.4 13.220 3.481.940.991.9713.32.891.7 4 S-795 96 145 471 2.3 0.5 1.2 <0.850.216.522.140 4.773.1 1.164.2 18.95.891.7 5 S-798 50 95 316 2.4 0.4 1.3 1 43.29.6 8.5 20 3.071.860.852.6520.13.381.2 6 S-797 104 135 354 2.6 0.4 1.3 1.1 71.712.510.840 5.2 2.821.484.0823.65.921.6 8 S-795 46 91 445 1.8 0.3 1.8 0.8 42.110.56 20 3.952.550.872.6416.53.731.8 9 S-806 44 153 538 2.4 0.5 1.1 0.8 60.415.615.530 4.963.1 1.093.6720.15.452.4 0 S-805 97 156 506 3.3 0.4 0.9 <0.857.217.920.740 4.6 2.791.093.8421.34.661.7 1 S-806 56 195 384 2.6 0.5 0.4 1 5.3120.44.242 2 S-806 108 190 571 2.5 0.6 1.7 1.1 75.425.232 50 5.093.321.485.3622.76.1 2 3 S-806 71 186 581 1.8 0.5 1.2 1 76.720 26.640 5.353.151.344.3520.56.282.6 4 S-80<5 54 170 482 2 0.4 7.7 0.8 48 10.425.330 4.132.590.943.0617 4.561.6 5 S-806 119 177 569 2.3 0.4 1 1.4 69.118.937.540 5.373.121.4 4.3 6 S-806 90 127 538 3.4 0.5 0.9 1.2 68.318.829.840 5.583.691.494.6222.25.632.1 8 S-81<5 101 178 520 2.4 0.4 2.6 1 55.615.236.450 4.913 0.893.6918.55.071.9 0 S-81<5 81 211 512 3 0.4 5.9 <0.862.818.922.140 5.452.891.344.1719 5.342.4 1 S-816 119 102 571 2.2 0.6 1 0.8 73.622.629.750 5.3 3.161.2 4.5320.36.042.5 3 S-816 55 209 605 2.5 0.6 1.1 1 67.517.227.950 6.213.9 1.454.6321.76.342.3 5 S-81<5 144 127 345 2.9 0.3 1.2 <0.869.613.220 40 3.121.851.264.8224.13.681.6 6 S-81<5 47 107 566 3.1 0.3 1.5 0.9 58.615 16.650 4.352.731.2 3.0815.95.011.3 8 S-819 36 93 321 2.5 0.2 1.4 1 43.88.6 7.4 20 2.341.510.721.8818.92.641.4 9 S-82<5 61 96 484 2.4 0.2 2.2 <0.847.610.38.1 20 3.381.9 1.1 2.5914.93.691.3 2 S-82<5 494 334 721 1.9 0.4 6 1.1 68.221.867.850 3.7 1.8 1.273.7921 3.971.2 5 S-82<5 59 104 458 1.7 0.2 1.9 <0.849.413 10 20 3.652.621.182.5415.43.811.1 6 S-826 86 163 496 3.3 0.6 1 1.2 73.819.814 60 6.473.681.4 5.1722.46.812.3 9 S-837 83 90 434 3 0.4 0.9 1.1 44.417.59.9 40 5.053.331.093.7518.14.931.4 0 S-83<5 70 102 491 1.9 0.4 0.7 0.8 47.815.28.5 30 4.453.281.033.6517.94.731.5 1 S-837 73 205 476 2.6 0.4 0.9 1.2 52.717.611.540 4.963.011.154.0818.85.161.9 2 S-836 112 70 538 1.7 0.5 0.6 1 66.621.310 50 6.163.531.485.5221.36.5 1.9 3 S-835 124 137 526 2.1 0.5 0.7 0.8 59.116.613.540 5.243 1.424.6 4 S-838 82 140 491 2.3 0.5 0.8 1.2 58.122.316.250 5.112.711.114.0819.54.661.9 5 S-837 171 173 502 2.6 0.4 1.2 <0.857.319.319 50 5.032.941.144.5 6 S-836 31 199 444 3.1 0.3 0.6 1 41.513.75.9 20 4.8 7 S-838 33 223 507 2.6 0.4 0.5 1.4 20 3.942.571.043.3219.23.831.9 8 S-836 113 112 473 2.3 0.5 0.8 1.1 56.518.714.450 5 9 S-847 105 105 557 3.7 0.5 0.5 0.8 62.418 12.750 5.362.811.284.7321.85.252.1 0 S-847 30 67 422 1.8 0.5 2 1.2 53.720.16 40 6.313.551.255.1820.55.621.4 1 S-847 105 90 358 1.3 0.3 0.9 0.9 48 16 10.540 4.573.171.454.8719.85.711.2 2 S-845 29 270 520 3.3 0.4 0.6 <0.847.212 7.5 20 3.852.710.773.6620.84.372.5 4 S-847 94 183 484 3.4 0.5 0.9 1.1 54.516.18.5 30 5.8 5 S-84<5 220 391 668 1.5 0.3 13.30.8 54.524.414.650 5.543.421.454.3 15.15.740.9 7 S-84<5 66 70 449 2.1 0.4 3.9 <0.855.917.29.8 40 4.312.451.123.5517.14.561.7 8 S-857 86 230 504 2.9 0.6 1.7 1.1 69.820.730.550 0 S-85<5 121 96 591 2 0.5 1.2 <0.858 21 26.150 6.083.611.684.9821.15.8 1.7 1 S-85<5 136 86 601 2.1 0.6 1.1 0.8 68.523.838.260 6 3.281.685.4122.26.032.6 2 S-856 81 255 487 2.2 0.5 5.1 1.1 57.620.222 40 4.7 2.8 1.284.4418.85.611.8 3 S-856 21 65 381 1.6 0.4 4.3 1.3 60 5.473.041.214.2617.55.341.3 4 S-856 44 33 518 2.8 0.3 1.1 <0.861.112.37 20 4.7 2.681.123.3919.15.481.8 5 S-8511 147 120 592 4 0.8 1.9 1.6 78 28.323.570 6.183.781.344.8420.46.851.9 7 S-857 70 249 590 1.9 0.4 0.5 0.9 63.416.610.430 4.042.581.094.5522.54.142.1 8 S-859 82 826 617 3.3 0.7 0.3 1.8 78.724.331.660 6.853.841.485.8224.37.041.7 9 S-866 12 56 453 1.4 0.5 2.2 1.2 56.223 5.6 30 6.773.611.715.5121.26.011.7 0 S-865 16 33 455 1.7 0.3 2.1 0.9 55.721.35.3 30 6.563.741.535.6322.95.961.8 1 S-867 13 35 416 1 0.4 1.9 1.3 47 19.33.5 30 5.413.511.444.9 20.35.691.5 2 Table 2. Soil Sampling Vranje South ME-MS89L method Sam.Ho In K pLa Li Lu Mn pMo Nb pNd pNi Pb pPr pRb pRe Sb pSe Sm pSn pSr p ID ppm ppmerc ppm ppm ppmpm ppmpm pm ppmpm pm pm ppmpm ppmpm pm pm S-70- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 1 S-700.48<0.32.532 117 0.27150 <2 10.827.230 13.57.1782 <0.03.1 <3 4.67<3 350 3 1 S-700.67<0.31.528 65 0.36800 <2 13 23.250 31 5.9579.20.012 <3 4.34<3 250 4 9 S-700.8 < 0.42660 2 22.532.230 18.28.8189.2<0.00.6 <3 5.13<3 290 6 3 1 S-701.46<0.32.638.7119 0.52760 4 12.735.7120 34.89.77128.<0.02.5 12 7.585 160 7 1 5 1 S-700.94< 0.41680 3 18.234.850 26.49.16105.<0.04.8 <3 6.6 <3 280 8 6 5 1 S-711.05< 0.37520 3 15.337.470 30 9.01108 <0.02.2 <3 6.28<3 230 9 1 1 S-721.04<0.32.330.465 0.431050<2 11 26.970 32.96.9 105 <0.02.1 6 5.16<3 260 1 3 1 S-720.8 < 0.29290 <2 8.6 28.130 12.66.9291.4<0.00.7 <3 4.51<3 360 3 6 1 S-720.75< 0.39770 2 12.523.580 34.76.31110.<0.01.5 7 4.345 200 4 9 5 1 S-720.72< 0.2 480 2 9.6 18.330 25.84.6762.90.011.1 5 3.34<3 340 5 3 5 S-720.76<0.31.536.684 0.27330 5 12.531.850 25.68.2685.7<0.02 <3 5.81<3 280 6 6 1 S-720.72<0.31.933.5132 0.28680 4 10.431.1110 27.67.44103.<0.03.5 <3 5.3 <3 260 7 8 5 1 S-720.76<0.31.737.292 0.29430 <2 12.332.440 18.27.9189.8<0.04.6 9 6.273 310 8 8 1 S-731.24< 0.45920 2 14.736.3100 34.99.12122 <0.02.4 <3 6.99<3 150 1 3 1 S-730.97< 0.37800 <2 12.430 80 31.37.59109.<0.02.1 <3 5.51<3 290 2 1 5 1 S-730.75< 0.36690 2 9.7 22.740 22 5.3979.4<0.01.3 <3 3.828 400 4 7 1 S-730.63<0.32.322.443 0.21510 <2 10.320.440 14 4.9576.1<0.01.4 <3 3.52<3 400 5 3 1 S-730.89<0.31.629.761 0.43770 <2 12.326.750 28.56.6976.2<0.01.6 6 4.96<3 280 6 3 1 S-730.87<0.31.729.366 0.41810 <2 12.425.760 29.36.5883.7<0.01.3 <3 4.32<3 280 7 8 1 S-730.84<0.31.632.456 0.25460 <2 8.3 30.250 12.27.5471.8<0.01.2 <3 4.88<3 330 8 2 1 S-731.41<0.32.341.9113 0.571000<2 14.442.290 37 10.1137 <0.02.8 <3 8.34<3 220 9 3 5 1 S-741.02< 0.441010<2 14.327.780 38.26.94102.0.012.4 8 5.68<3 210 0 6 5 S-741.01<0.32.234 119 0.44880 <2 12.331 70 32.48.01114 <0.02.2 <3 5.71<3 220 1 6 1 S-741.05< 0.4510702 15.632.980 39.28.27115.<0.02.2 3 5.9 <3 210 2 7 5 1 S-740.76<0.31.527.561 0.3 420 <2 9.5 27.650 21.36.9274.5<0.01 <3 4.78<3 300 3 5 1 S-741.09<0.32.335.684 0.39900 <2 12.132.770 33.97.72123 <0.02.5 3 6.59<3 320 4 1 S-740.6 <0.31.319.713 0.29360 <2 6.2 16.420 11.44.4 40.6<0.00.6 4 2.96<3 360 6 5 1 S-740.96<0.31.530.439 0.38500 <2 15.827.3300 28.67.2575.8<0.01.3 7 5.53<3 240 7 7 1 S-740.95<0.31.731.277 0.33820 2 12.828.670 36.17.52102.<0.01.9 19 5.563 190 8 7 5 1 S-741.19<0.31.836.6102 0.41960 2 15.633.480 34.98.91115 <0.02.8 <3 7.22<3 160 9 6 1 S-750.96<0.31.331 49 0.31390 2 14.528 50 30.27.2683.3<0.01.2 4 5.62<3 160 0 4 1 S-751.02<0.31.631 64 0.34530 <2 15.628.650 28.27.5692.7<0.01.1 <3 5.4 <3 170 1 3 1 S-750.99<0.31.826.189 0.4 700 <2 12.423.880 29.56.77117.<0.02.9 6 5.18<3 140 2 8 5 1 S-751.01< 0.36940 <2 14.232.890 34.29.09128.0.022.6 11 7.84<3 200 3 7 5 S-750.91< 0.44840 <2 12.730.390 30.57.86123.<0.02.7 <3 7.06<3 150 4 1 5 1 S-751.12< 0.45540 <2 13.328.860 32.57.79120.<0.02.2 <3 5.72<3 200 5 4 5 1 S-750.67<0.31.822.7105 0.271060<2 9.1 22.380 23.45.8779.10.011.8 4 4.63<3 190 6 5 S-750.71<0.31.522.874 0.24530 <2 7.5 21.770 25.55.3279.8<0.01.1 5 4.6 <3 260 7 4 1 S-750.64<0.31.924.5142 0.24790 2 9.8 23.390 28.75.94116 <0.03.3 3 3.97<3 360 8 9 1 S-750.95< 0.44900 3 12.331.8100 33.67.88116 <0.02.8 5 6.67<3 190 9 6 1 S-761.15<0.32.532.5103 0.44550 <2 13.329.3100 28.87.94141 0.012.1 <3 6.11<3 130 0 6 S-760.65<0.31.522.172 0.19450 <2 10.220.940 18.85.2 69.4<0.01 8 4.03<3 250 1 1 1 S-760.97< 0.43910 <2 13.830.390 36.67.91135.<0.01.9 <3 6.84<3 200 2 7 5 1 S-761.04<0.32.736 176 0.5 830 <2 12.733.5100 44.28.6 146 <0.05 5 6.074 170 3 1 S-760.84<0.31.828.786 0.4 990 2 12.824.770 35.16.57101 <0.01.7 <3 4.77<3 200 4 3 1 S-761.07< 0.41990 <2 13.829.390 34.77.71123 <0.01.9 <3 6.48<3 200 5 6 1 S-760.82<0.31.628 81 0.31810 <2 12 26.480 26.96.5999.5<0.01.7 3 5.36<3 190 6 1 1 S-761.09< 0.47810 <2 14.328.680 32.47.68118 0.021.2 18 5.854 160 7 S-761.62<0.32.045 107 0.55610 <2 13.941.1110 29.511.1122.<0.01.9 10 8.544 160 8 9 5 5 1 S-761.15<0.31.937.988 0.43760 <2 14.833.490 32.48.78119 <0.02.6 <3 7.274 140 9 1 S-770.83<0.31.735.775 0.35400 2 14.831.970 30.29.16110.<0.01.9 9 6.6 5 150 0 8 5 1 S-771 <0.31.937.2124 0.42920 3 14.133.990 37.98.75129.<0.02.3 5 7 5 200 1 7 5 1 S-771.02<0.32.535.8166 0.43890 5 13 33.4110 43.68.57140 <0.02.7 3 6.475 200 2 3 1 S-770.83<0.31.932.6110 0.42820 <2 13 28.590 34 7.43114.<0.03.3 5 5.535 170 3 3 5 1 S-770.95< 0.41890 <2 11.326.980 29.66.69115 <0.02.1 <3 6.03<3 190 4 4 1 S-770.69<0.31.824.467 0.26840 <2 9.2 24.450 18 6.1885.6<0.01.4 4 4.77<3 210 5 1 S-770.66<0.31.621.1104 0.28590 3 6.3 21.880 21.15.5682.90.012.9 3 4.22<3 430 6 4 S-770.67< 0.33630 <2 10.622.690 23.95.91104.<0.01.5 9 4.58<3 210 7 2 5 1 S-771.12<0.31.930 53 0.56770 <2 11.327.2200 30 7.3894.40.013.1 13 5.71<3 200 8 3 S-770.79<0.31.825.988 0.31270 <2 9.6 25 70 26.36.3485.7<0.01.7 <3 5.64<3 210 9 9 1 S-780.84<0.31.928 97 0.33690 <2 11 27.170 24.46.6996.9<0.02.7 8 5.564 230 0 6 1 S-780.7 <0.31.525.586 0.26510 2 10.123.450 23.45.9765.8<0.01.9 15 4.824 240 1 2 1 S-780.63<0.31.424.152 0.31740 4 9.3 23.150 14.95.7769.4<0.00.9 <3 3.68<3 330 2 9 1 S-780.87<0.31.730.471 0.29670 <2 13.725.660 29.76.89103.<0.01.5 <3 6.04<3 170 3 5 5 1 S-780.93<0.32.329.197 0.31780 2 15.324.270 30.97.04139.0.012.3 <3 5.62<3 290 4 6 5 S-780.93< 0.39460 2 12.627.750 19.97.5 118.<0.01 3 5.456 330 5 5 1 S-781.1 <0.32.332.5107 0.39890 <2 11.429.480 31.27.53116 <0.02.2 3 5.89<3 190 6 2 1 S-780.54< 0.16610 3 7.4 14.730 9.1 3.8650.7<0.00.9 4 3.22<3 400 7 1 5 1 S-780.66<0.31.427.467 0.22570 4 9.6 24.760 19.86.2979.2<0.01.8 5 4.39<3 370 8 7 1 S-781.03<0.32.336.789 0.36790 2 11.930.1100 26 7.87113.<0.02.1 6 6.565 250 9 5 1 S-790.87< 0.35930 <2 9.3 28 60 27.26.8799 0.012.9 <3 5.39<3 390 0 9 S-790.63<0.31.425.343 0.22220 11 7.8 21.940 20.86.0561.8<0.01.7 4 4.784 350 1 9 1 S-790.6 <0.30.612.534 0.33740 <2 4.7 11.540 13.92.8922.7<0.00.8 3 2.38<3 510 2 4 1 S-790.78< 0.34650 <2 11.527.390 31.56.61101.<0.03.5 11 4.715 150 3 1 5 1 S-790.57<0.31.619.980 0.34470 <2 8.9 18.850 24.24.4258.7<0.03 3 4.1 4 280 4 6 5 5 1 S-791.01<0.31.928.8108 0.33780 2 11 27.7100 25.67.2393.1<0.02.1 3 5.626 200 5 7 1 S-790.6 <0.31.319.790 0.24320 2 10.618.250 14.25.2758.4<0.01.7 5 4.1 <3 320 6 5 1 S-790.98<0.31.333.254 0.27590 4 11 33.160 15.28.5668.6<0.01.1 3 5.96<3 270 8 3 1 S-790.82<0.31.821 33 0.31630 <2 8.4 19.630 17.85.0472.8<0.00.7 <3 3.55<3 280 9 3 5 1 S-801 <0.31.830.265 0.34790 <2 14 27.250 32.17.5999.6<0.01.5 4 5.52<3 200 0 3 1 S-800.92< 0.37740 3 11.824.760 29.76.58121 <0.01.7 <3 5.32<3 150 1 2 1 S-800.92<0.31.722.741 0.34460 <2 12.825 30 18.86.32105 <0.00.6 <3 4.65<3 270 2 4 1 S-801.04< 0.4210402 14.732.7120 40.79.22137.<0.02.4 19 6.676 140 3 9 5 1 S-800.980.3 2.339.5118 0.43970 <2 14.336 80 43.29.48134 0.012.1 7 6.216 190 4 9 S-800.85<0.31.826.194 0.31820 <2 9.3 23.350 28.86.0795.1<0.01.5 <3 4.9 <3 280 5 5 1 S-801.02< 0.421060<2 13.332.190 42.88.2 8 6.554 150 6 3 5 S-801.14< 0.42820 2 14.831.770 34.58.21125 <0.02.3 18 6.818 160 8 4 1 S-810.95<0.32.428.7113 0.38900 <2 12.926.370 32.26.47115.0.012.3 4 5.166 270 0 9 5 S-810.89< 0.39880 <2 12.229.2110 32.87.35115 0.022 3 6.477 410 1 5 S-810.94<0.31.937.1130 0.4 880 3 15.432.790 42.78.89135 <0.02.5 8 6.717 170 3 7 1 S-811.21< 0.62790 2 14.634 70 34.18.92123.<0.02.1 <3 7.074 160 5 8 5 1 S-810.66<0.31.734.949 0.22340 3 10.729.970 25.27.6188.9<0.01.9 <3 5.77<3 310 6 9 1 S-811.02<0.32.127 68 0.431080<2 11.425.660 32.96.5290.1<0.01.4 <3 4.76<3 260 8 1 1 S-810.53<0.31.821.330 0.24460 <2 10.718.430 21.24.8267.2<0.00.9 11 3.61<3 340 9 7 5 1 S-820.84<0.31.723.442 0.32610 <2 8.2 20.930 20.45.1165.1<0.00.8 <3 3.44<3 330 2 9 1 S-820.65<0.33.532.3119 0.26940 9 10.329.860 35 7.24166.<0.013.3<3 5.34<3 550 5 3 5 1 S-820.85<0.31.724.256 0.4 700 <2 8.7 21.540 23.35.5 <3 4.08<3 300 6 8 S-821.25< 0.46770 <2 12.730.690 22.58.29117 <0.01.7 <3 6.93<3 120 9 5 1 S-831 <0.31.718.750 0.41630 <2 9.9 21.750 14.15.0480.2<0.01.1 <3 4.44<3 170 0 3 5 1 S-830.97< 0.44780 2 11.923.440 22.66.0993.5<0.01 <3 3.82<3 200 1 2 1 S-831 <0.32.124 80 0.55650 <2 11.825.360 18.66.5595.40.011 <3 5.68<3 210 2 1 S-831.24<0.31.928.661 0.66890 2 12 30.570 20.27.69103 <0.01.1 <3 6.54<3 130 3 9 1 S-831.13<0.31.829.878 0.37970 2 10.828.370 24.37.5699.7<0.01.5 <3 6.38<3 140 4 3 1 S-830.99< 0.43850 2 13 26 80 26.16.7 113 <0.01.3 5 5.75<3 150 5 9 1 S-830.99< 0.44810 <2 11.224.170 21 6.45114 <0.01.5 9 5.57<3 180 6 7 1 S-830.93<0.31.918.791 0.39740 <2 11.619 30 19.75 76.7<0.00.8 <3 4.11<3 300 7 5 1 S-830.76<0.32.320.1116 0.36620 <2 12.920.530 22.45.2 91.9<0.01 <3 4.03<3 340 8 3 1 S-831.08< 0.45700 <2 13.427.190 23 6.93109.<0.01.5 <3 5.27<3 140 9 3 5 1 S-841.04<0.32.326.891 0.41700 2 15 26.280 24.57.42126 0.011.2 <3 5.7 <3 120 0 8 S-841.17<0.31.624 29 0.541010<2 12.725 50 22 6.6568.3<0.00.7 <3 5.78<3 220 1 7 1 S-840.95<0.31.922.930 0.47440 <2 8.9 27.350 12.16.4665.5<0.00.7 <3 5.22<3 130 2 9 1 S-840.82< 0.35540 <2 12.119.230 18.75.3786.4<0.00.7 <3 4.5 <3 320 4 9 5 1 S-841.33<0.31.924 35 0.57810 <2 13.625.740 17.16.8484.9<0.00.7 <3 5.93<3 260 5 3 1 S-841.02< 0.3811408 7.2 27.770 26.76.48103 <0.04.2 <3 6.6 5 540 7 3 1 S-840.95< 0.33740 <2 11 26.170 24.76.8889.5<0.00.8 <3 5.1 7 170 8 4 1 S-851.12< 0.51710 <2 14.233.4140 27.68.59153.<0.01 <3 6.66<3 100 0 1 5 1 S-851.13< 0.46970 <2 10.230.9100 31 7.74118.<0.01.6 4 5.966 170 1 7 5 1 S-851.19<0.32.633.4135 0.4510402 11 32.290 35.78.55136.0.013.5 <3 6.5 11 140 2 6 5 S-850.93< 0.37800 <2 13 26.170 27.16.63120.<0.02.1 <3 6.03<3 300 3 7 5 1 S-850.97<0.31.524.227 0.45940 2 10.923.350 22.15.7273.8<0.00.8 <3 5.65<3 200 4 7 1 S-850.94<0.31.729.633 0.42590 <2 13.427.730 19.27.1 93 <0.00.3 <3 6.32<3 190 5 2 1 S-851.18<0.32.334.9116 0.4815103 14 33.6110 51.88.46136 <0.01.7 <3 6.48<3 200 7 3 1 S-850.84<0.32.926.273 0.4 540 <2 14 24.250 19.86.57124.<0.00.6 5 5.05<3 150 8 9 5 1 S-851.38< 0.5911203 15.537.3110 24.79.83200 <0.02.6 <3 7.62<3 380 9 3 1 S-861.29<0.31.625.323 0.491010<2 12.327.650 19.46.9672.1<0.01 <3 5.71<3 230 0 7 1 S-861.21<0.31.625.124 0.651030<2 13 27.550 23.66.6577.5<0.00.8 <3 6.55<3 240 1 7 1 S-861.08<0.31.420.720 0.47890 <2 12.123.240 20.45.9267.4<0.00.8 <3 5.08<3 220 2 6 1 Table 3. Soil Sampling VranjeSouth -ME-MS89L method Sam.Ta Tb Te pTh pTi pTl pTm U V W Y Yb pZn ID ppm ppmpm pm erc pm ppm ppm pp ppm pppm ppm m m S-70- - - - - - - - - - - - - 1 S-700.850.42<0.58.3 0.320.320.192.1 84 1.9 14.1.3770 3 4 3 S-700.920.53<0.57.9 0.450.560.342.4 92 1.7 20.2.5460 4 4 7 S-701.490.7 <0.510.30.500.540.333.5 84 1.6 22.2.6160 6 2 2 S-700.8 1.141 12.70.470.940.5 3.1 1481.5 35.4.05120 7 6 8 S-701.110.840.5 10.60.431.070.372.8 1251.7 28 2.4190 8 4 S-710.990.810.8 12.30.420.830.322.3 1421.9 26.2.09100 9 5 1 S-720.820.670.5 8.9 0.410.710.382.2 1132.1 25.3.11140 1 5 7 S-720.750.56<0.57.6 0.330.350.252.1 74 1.6 21.2.0860 3 6 3 S-720.760.54<0.59.7 0.440.650.312.5 1011.4 21.2.4470 4 6 4 S-720.690.54<0.56.2 0.330.540.3 2.1 61 1.5 19.1.9150 5 5 1 S-720.850.570.5 9.7 0.390.8 0.252.6 1281.8 20.1.9890 6 4 S-720.740.58<0.58.5 0.400.820.273.3 1411.9 22.2.37120 7 1 2 S-720.810.650.7 11.10.410.630.292.4 1031.5 22 2 80 8 9 S-731 1.080.7 11.40.450.960.512.2 1562.2 33.3.31110 1 6 2 S-730.910.77<0.59.7 0.430.8 0.422.3 1192.4 26.2.4290 2 2 5 S-730.670.44<0.57 0.290.510.332.2 66 1.1 19.2.2170 4 4 9 S-730.910.52<0.55.6 0.370.380.3 1.5 84 1.4 16.1.7370 5 6 5 S-730.870.72<0.58.8 0.420.580.392.3 87 1.5 24.2.8770 6 8 5 S-731.130.6 <0.58 0.400.640.4 2.2 93 1.7 24.2.5770 7 5 4 S-730.540.64<0.59.5 0.290.440.261.9 89 1 22.1.75110 8 1 4 S-730.931.1 <0.511.20.431.240.563.2 1332.2 40.3.78110 9 9 3 S-741.020.72<0.59.1 0.470.8 0.482.4 1052.1 28.3.1780 0 1 3 S-741 0.87<0.510.40.490.810.482.4 1272.3 29.2.86100 1 8 7 S-741.110.91<0.510.90.480.820.522.7 1302.1 28.2.98100 2 1 5 S-740.8 0.610.5 7.1 0.350.530.292 93 1.9 18.1.8670 3 6 3 S-740.870.8 <0.510.20.431.090.512.6 1202 29.3.07100 4 1 4 S-740.550.39<0.54.5 52 0.9 15 1.7240 6 9 S-741.050.75<0.59.7 0.430.470.462.4 85 2.2 28.3.3450 7 7 3 S-740.730.69<0.510 0.420.760.452.2 1041.8 29.2.5790 8 5 2 S-741.110.89<0.511.40.500.750.452.3 1372.3 30.3.4 80 9 9 6 S-751.070.64<0.59.6 0.420.670.372.2 1111.8 24.2.5970 0 4 2 S-750.880.61<0.510 0.480.640.392.5 1122 28.2.3170 1 3 2 S-750.810.72<0.59.8 0.450.690.442.2 1222 25.2.3290 2 4 9 S-750.760.75<0.513 0.490.940.4 2.8 1602.7 31.3.42120 3 1 5 S-750.710.81<0.510.50.450.730.382.4 1392.2 29.2.57110 4 2 8 S-750.710.82<0.510.90.480.660.422.8 1332.4 32.3.31110 5 5 7 S-751.540.540.8 8.4 0.400.420.262 1141.8 23.2.01100 6 7 6 S-750.440.53<0.57 0.280.520.322 94 1.5 21.1.9280 7 3 1 S-750.590.58<0.58.9 0.350.750.322.3 1141.6 20.2.0690 8 5 9 S-750.890.85<0.511.90.430.810.412.5 1372.5 29.2.57100 9 6 3 S-760.760.89<0.510.60.480.790.452.3 1512.5 33.3.07110 0 8 6 S-760.550.48<0.57 0.360.420.262.6 89 1.7 18.1.8470 1 4 5 S-760.790.85<0.511.70.470.860.4 2.5 1372.1 29.3.0790 2 3 2 S-760.8 0.780.6 12.40.441.030.463.1 1441.7 31 2.72170 3 7 S-760.760.720.7 9.8 0.450.620.382.7 99 2.1 25.2.6670 4 1 6 S-760.880.81<0.511 0.470.730.462.4 1312.3 30.2.62100 5 4 3 S-761.210.7 <0.59.7 0.400.660.4 2.1 1152.2 26.2.0580 6 6 4 S-760.920.870.7 10.90.480.710.412.2 1291.7 32.3.11100 7 9 7 S-760.781.45<0.510.60.480.910.632.1 1312.4 47.4.4 100 8 1 S-760.960.880.9 11.80.470.970.422.5 1302.6 34.3.04100 9 8 5 S-770.930.84<0.512.20.460.740.392.5 1273.1 28 2.5680 0 1 S-770.740.88<0.512.20.430.780.382.5 1381.6 33.3.5 100 1 3 3 S-770.980.7 0.5 13.60.430.920.382.3 1462.1 29 3.13120 2 4 S-770.720.7 0.7 11.30.440.870.351.9 1231.3 26.2.2190 3 4 4 S-770.780.71<0.510.20.440.710.352.4 1322.3 29.2.6280 4 8 6 S-770.570.54<0.58.2 0.370.520.322.2 1042 23.2.1170 5 6 5 S-770.430.5 <0.57.7 0.290.680.313.5 1081.4 20.2.16100 6 6 3 S-770.6 0.75<0.58.3 0.420.490.372.2 1101.9 28.2.58110 7 7 5 S-770.770.8 <0.59.7 0.440.730.482.7 1042.1 30.3.1290 8 4 5 S-770.610.650.6 8.6 0.410.650.362.5 1091.8 22.2.3490 9 9 6 S-780.650.67<0.59.8 0.410.640.322.1 1162.4 26.2.3 80 0 1 9 S-780.640.570.6 8.4 0.380.490.372.3 82 1.2 21.1.9760 1 1 9 S-780.540.54<0.56.8 0.340.550.322.4 78 1.3 16.2.0370 2 6 6 S-780.760.680.7 10 0.460.770.462.5 1172 27.2.8580 3 3 4 S-780.980.6 <0.511.40.490.990.352.7 1302.7 25.2.74110 4 9 9 S-780.930.78<0.511.10.430.870.362.5 1392.5 26.2.6 110 5 8 5 S-780.760.8 <0.510.80.441.010.482.5 1342.3 34.3.22110 6 5 2 S-780.490.42<0.53.9 0.330.270.232.1 76 1.2 16.1.4 60 7 5 5 S-780.610.53<0.57.6 0.340.580.282.7 90 1.8 19.1.8980 8 7 7 S-780.8 1 0.7 10.50.370.9 0.382.3 1151.6 35.3.17110 9 4 3 S-790.570.78<0.510.20.330.630.362.9 1181.8 26.2.1960 0 9 S-790.480.550.5 6 0.330.310.253.3 85 1.5 17.1.7780 1 1 9 S-790.250.340.7 6.3 2.8 37 0.5 20.2 30 2 7 3 S-790.690.760.8 9.6 0.430.720.332.2 1141.2 24.2.69110 3 2 7 S-790.610.45<0.57.1 0.370.420.281.8 68 1.1 17.1.4770 4 1 1 S-790.8 0.831.2 9.5 0.420.660.452.2 1141.2 28.2.6590 5 8 3 S-790.670.44<0.56 0.320.440.282 68 1.4 16.1.5 70 6 6 1 S-790.680.92<0.510.10.370.560.412.9 1051.5 25.2.7290 8 7 4 S-790.9 0.55<0.56.3 0.330.4 0.342.2 74 1.1 23.2.8360 9 5 3 S-800.720.79<0.59.9 0.490.710.5 2.4 1112.1 31.2.7480 0 3 1 S-800.750.68<0.59.6 0.410.7 0.382.7 1182.1 27.2.2290 1 3 7 S-800.680.71<0.59.7 0.620.410.372 1502.1 21.2.3 80 2 9 8 S-801.011 0.7 13.40.490.890.462.1 1651.9 32.3.32110 3 9 7 S-800.950.870.7 13.20.500.870.412.7 1312 30.2.66110 4 2 8 S-800.590.670.5 8.2 0.370.490.392.2 1001.6 25.2.2790 5 6 3 S-800.910.850.9 12 0.460.960.422.7 1321.9 32.3.25100 6 7 S-801.120.98<0.511.40.500.950.5 2.3 1421.8 31.3.36110 8 4 8 S-810.850.720.8 9.6 0.480.850.422.4 1062.1 27.2.6 110 0 9 5 S-810.760.811.2 11.20.450.760.453.1 1231.5 27.2.6790 1 1 9 S-810.990.940.7 12.80.470.970.412.5 1402 29.3.06110 3 4 9 S-811.030.940.6 12.30.480.830.482.7 1422.8 36.3.42100 5 4 7 S-811.590.47<0.510.20.380.6 0.192.4 1181.5 16.1.5390 6 9 8 S-810.810.7 <0.58.2 0.410.770.392.2 96 1.9 25.3 100 8 8 5 S-810.690.38<0.56.2 0.320.390.282.2 60 1.2 14.1.7750 9 6 6 S-820.660.45<0.55.4 0.320.380.332.1 74 1.1 19.2.4750 2 9 7 S-820.740.6 0.6 9.4 0.382.330.242.7 1451.5 18.2.09130 5 9 1 S-820.660.56<0.56.8 0.360.5 0.4 2.5 76 1.3 25.2.7360 6 6 S-820.810.86<0.511.50.480.650.543 1482.6 33.3.7 110 9 8 4 S-830.620.76<0.57.5 0.450.560.462.6 1161.5 28.2.6380 0 6 5 S-830.830.63<0.58.9 0.500.560.442.4 1111.8 25.2.8380 1 5 5 S-830.7 0.75<0.59 0.480.650.452.7 1191.7 28.3.0680 2 2 1 S-830.780.99<0.510.20.480.670.522.6 1441.7 33.3.57100 3 3 1 S-830.620.87<0.59.2 0.470.480.492.5 1362.1 30.3.3190 4 1 5 S-830.870.81<0.59.8 0.490.8 0.4 3 1192 26.3.2690 5 8 6 S-830.710.69<0.59.3 0.470.760.352.8 1342 25.2.98100 6 1 5 S-830.750.59<0.58.2 0.560.430.472.7 1071.5 27.3 50 7 5 3 S-830.820.58<0.57.4 0.530.430.363 1061.7 23 2.4850 8 3 S-831.070.760.7 10.20.490.780.392.5 1242.5 25.2.95100 9 1 2 S-840.830.84<0.510.50.520.890.453.3 1302.5 25.3.18100 0 6 8 S-840.770.9 <0.57.4 0.760.470.492.3 1621.4 30.3.74110 1 3 6 S-840.540.74<0.57 0.540.4 0.412.2 1441.3 26.2.6860 2 7 3 S-840.8 0.66<0.58.6 0.530.470.432.4 1082 22.2.8960 4 1 9 S-840.910.93<0.510.20.620.510.6 2.9 1291.8 35.4 80 5 1 5 S-840.480.83<0.59.4 0.341.3 0.453.2 1221 31 2.9590 7 8 S-840.660.660.5 10.20.430.520.372.3 1081.7 24.2.1290 8 5 5 S-850.830.86<0.512.90.480.8 0.523 1431.9 29.2.99110 0 3 5 S-850.7 0.930.6 12.30.500.720.523.2 1452.1 34.3.02110 1 9 6 S-850.711.031 12.70.490.960.442.9 1611.9 32.3.15110 2 3 6 S-850.760.78<0.59.6 0.460.750.412.5 1281.8 25 2.82110 3 8 S-850.620.730.6 6.6 0.580.410.4 2 1411.3 28.2.89230 4 4 6 S-850.930.64<0.510 0.500.390.462.7 89 1.6 28.3.3470 5 9 1 S-850.810.92<0.511.90.441.130.543.4 1352.4 36 3.4 120 7 1 S-850.910.62<0.511.20.490.830.393.3 1321.9 22.2.3390 8 7 2 S-851.011.08<0.514.70.500.980.573.1 1892.4 36.3.89110 9 3 8 S-860.781.02<0.57.3 0.770.560.482.4 1841.3 33.4.03100 0 1 6 S-860.811.09<0.56.9 0.790.5 0.552.3 1891.4 32.3.56120 1 7 9 S-860.760.81<0.56.1 0.690.480.592.2 1591.3 29.3.09100 2 1 4 Table 4. Soil Sampling Vranje South ME-MS89L method Samp.Ag As Ba Be Bi Ca pCd Ce pCo Cs Cu Dy pEr pEu pFe pGa pGd pGe pHo ID ppm ppm ppm ppm ppmerc ppmpm ppm ppm ppmpm pm pm erc pm pm pm ppm S-701- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - S-702<5 204 556 1.8 0.1 0.8 <0.890.413.510.420 3.141.550.9 2.7221.83.781.1 0.71 S-7037 111 411 0.7 0.1 1 <0.874.84.2 9.4 20 2.651.731 2.7724.64.641 0.48 S-704<5 35 416 1.8 0.2 1 <0.850.813.815.120 3.742.170.982.6817.94.231.2 0.67 S-706<5 10 476 2.8 0.2 1 <0.866.810.14.3 20 4.361.1 0.69 S-707<5 143 619 2.9 0.5 0.9 <0.875.118.126.960 6.343.751.915.0822.47.631.1 1.28 S-708<5 180 473 3 0.3 0.9 <0.878.616.823.630 4.912.461.334.0423.86.191.3 0.97 S-709<5 114 241 2.2 0.1 1.1 <0.840.35.8 3.2 20 1.821.170.861.5222.42.52<0.50.33 S-710- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - S-71111 648 513 2.9 0.4 0.7 0.9 78.614.920.460 4.592.591.354.1 27.56.442 0.8 S-712<5 398 587 2.3 0.8 7.9 <0.899.955.232.460 7.334.231.516.1417.27.330.8 1.4 S-713<5 29 405 2.2 0.2 1.3 <0.881.49.3 2.8 20 2.411.181.332.8228.74.630.5 0.5 S-7146 61 911 3.9 0.3 0.9 0.8 104 24.58.6 60 6.573.861.885.4732.88.362 1.35 S-715<5 132 397 3.4 0.2 1 <0.868.412.815.320 3.732.141.032.7 23.64.371.2 0.76 S-7167 286 668 1.6 0.3 1.3 1.1 75.114.627.340 4.452.3 1.563.5824.45.442.5 0.88 S-717<5 163 506 2 0.3 7.5 1.3 69.422.720.240 7.764.711.734.1223.47.392.1 1.51 S-718<5 30 344 2.1 0.2 0.9 <0.895.710.27.4 <20 3.791.351.783.1631.35.14<0.50.59 S-7198 131 526 2.4 0.4 1 <0.872.718.224.540 4.652.8 1.274.4 24.25.852.4 0.99 S-720<5 124 427 2.4 0.5 1.3 <0.877.216.716.250 4.992.3 1.494.3525.65.250.7 0.78 S-7215 83 586 2.3 0.3 1.9 0.8 58.315.320.840 3.992.581.323.5620.14.8 2.4 0.91 S-7236 73 331 2.7 0.2 1.2 0.9 60.79.6 8.6 30 3.612.171.262.9423.64.771 0.72 S-724<5 90 503 1.9 0.3 0.8 0.9 54.317.420.740 3.562.370.893.7 19.53.651.5 0.8 S-7256 51 319 1.6 0.3 1.3 <0.849 9.8 9.5 20 2.7 1.610.791.8 0.54 S-726<5 125 401 2 0.3 0.9 <0.868.712.923.550 4.3 2.1 1.244.1527.74.621.8 0.82 S-7278 170 483 1.6 0.4 1.2 1.4 63.222.537.970 5.381.5 0.81 S-728<5 136 431 2.3 0.4 6.7 1.2 77.513.419 40 4.482.421.472.9223.25.680.8 0.86 S-72910 99 472 2.9 0.2 1 1.3 56.112.511.320 3.612.320.952.4519.63.741 0.82 S-7308 136 551 2.9 0.4 1 0.9 82.520 37.840 4.231.961.313.7124 4.671.7 0.83 S-7316 140 521 2.6 0.4 0.9 0.8 71.719.334 50 6 3.491.425.1225.27.142.2 1.37 S-7326 105 517 3 0.4 1.2 <0.861.719.325.940 4.652.481.193.9822.34.942.6 0.93 S-733<5 103 577 2.6 0.4 0.7 0.9 68.521.639.860 5.442.821.345.5825.16.042.1 1.06 S-7348 82 553 1.8 0.1 1.5 0.8 50.610.915.630 3.291.721.012.3819.63.341.2 0.56 S-7356 70 386 1.3 0.2 3.6 0.8 49.512.211.420 3.162.381.172.8821.33.781.5 0.73 S-736<5 54 448 1.8 0.3 1.8 <0.859 13.711.720 3.832.771.062.6916.44.361.6 0.95 S-737<5 71 471 2.5 0.3 1.6 <0.857.514.612.730 4.732.520.942.9719.24.5 2.1 0.9 S-7385 68 281 1.8 0.1 1.1 <0.848.49.6 9.9 30 3.492.211.333.4324.54.762.6 0.79 S-7396 85 655 2.3 0.4 1 0.8 86.317.756.640 6.513.841.684.5 22.17.811.7 1.41 S-7406 59 539 3.2 0.3 1 0.9 71.217 19.540 5.4 3.1 1.383.3118 5.562.1 1.01 S-7419 105 591 2.2 0.5 1.1 1.3 67.418.136.240 5.343.2 1.6 4.3521.15.772 1.04 S-742<5 72 591 2.6 0.4 0.9 1 70 19.823 40 5.013.331.193.9220.45.561.8 0.9 S-743<5 54 373 2.2 0.2 1.3 0.8 52.712.613.230 3.912.120.873.1422.94.131.7 0.8 S-744<5 122 611 2 0.4 1.6 <0.865.318.975.140 2.2 1.07 S-745<5 120 479 2.7 0.4 1 <0.861 18.428.150 4.562.491.134.2 23.74.762 0.91 S-746<5 43 195 2.9 0.1 1.5 <0.840.26.6 4.7 <20 3.071.561.082.1819.42.511.9 0.47 S-747<5 56 395 1.6 0.2 1.1 <0.860.18.6 9.1 20 4.512.481.322.4417.34.391.6 0.97 S-748<5 86 499 2.9 0.4 1.1 <0.864.419.119.740 4.662.881.233.7 20.14.490.8 1.06 S-749<5 86 543 2.3 0.5 0.9 <0.874.920.725.740 5.853.421.264.4420.76.332.2 1.2 S-7506 49 422 3.7 0.3 0.7 0.9 5.312.8 1.233.7422.24.921.6 1.09 S-751<5 52 477 3 0.4 1 <0.860.911.713.520 4.392.621.123.2716.65.1 1.6 0.84 S-7525 70 549 2.8 0.5 1 0.8 61.517.829 40 4.742.841.184.2522.55.022.2 0.83 S-7535 108 719 2.7 0.6 2.3 <0.873.821.128.550 5.233.461.515.0722 5.8 2.3 1.08 S-7546 78 557 2.2 0.6 4.7 <0.866.119.832.550 5.453.141.464.5520.65.931.8 1.08 S-7555 59 584 2 0.2 1.2 0.8 67.316.823.340 4.953.771.424.4422.35.8 2.3 1.19 S-756<5 56 509 1.8 0.4 1.1 <0.854.114.116.330 4.382.241.013.8718.55.132.3 0.87 S-757<5 54 410 2 0.5 18.3<0.840.912.216.730 3.792.211.083.0212.84.181.2 0.71 S-758<5 90 522 2.5 0.6 9.1 1 51.515.939.940 4.382.331.213.9817.94.042.2 0.79 S-759<5 139 562 2.9 0.7 2 <0.868.819.928.150 5.313.111.224.4820.95.171.9 1.03 S-760<5 142 626 3.1 0.4 0.7 0.9 60.417.422.150 5.133.631.545.2924.15.912.6 1 S-761<5 10 564 2.3 0.3 6.6 <0.846.513.211.630 3.281.760.942.7616.43.771.9 0.67 S-762<5 97 656 2.7 0.5 1.7 1 64.320 27.340 5.062.561.324.4421.36.022.1 1.03 S-763<5 115 671 3 0.5 2.9 1.1 76.721.149.860 5.8 3.161.585.4823.26.312 1.13 S-764<5 63 512 2.4 0.5 1 0.9 57.816.317.330 4.4 2.490.993.1616.24.571.6 0.91 S-765<5 93 621 3.3 0.5 0.9 <0.867.720.120.940 5.573.341.444.2320.85.242.5 0.99 S-766<5 62 557 2.5 0.5 7.3 <0.859.915.819.630 4.312.611.1 3.7 18 4.781.9 0.83 S-767<5 72 573 2.6 0.4 0.8 1 67.219.819.550 5.753.491.284.5120.95.961.3 1.16 S-768<5 52 498 4.8 0.5 0.8 1.1 8.864.882.014.5321.29.671.7 1.66 S-769<5 68 549 3.2 0.4 0.8 0.9 80.319.623.340 5.883.631.494.6821.16.261.4 1.21 S-770<5 75 492 3.5 0.4 0.8 <0.867.214.522.140 0.94 S-771<5 135 618 3.2 0.5 0.9 <0.887.624.825.450 6.363.281.684.9122.86.591.5 1 S-772<5 154 679 1.8 0.6 1 <0.881.924.935.460 4.863.041.724.9923.46.472 1.09 S-773<5 73 532 3 0.5 2.5 <0.867.619.540 40 5.293.1 1.364.4119.55.882 1.16 S-7746 73 590 2.2 0.4 2.2 <0.866.419.218.850 4.923.011.394.3520.55.171.8 1.12 S-7756 81 521 1.7 0.4 8.4 1 53.312.318.230 4.3 2.771.083.4616.84.851.5 0.87 S-7766 147 573 2.6 0.4 13.60.9 48.515.931.650 4.541.7 0.68 S-7779 72 546 2.2 0.4 3.8 1.2 55.914.620 40 4.382.661.073.7618.54.5 2 1.04 S-7786 52 603 2.3 0.3 1 1.1 68.813.220.430 4.722.9 1.4 3.7119.15 1.8 0.98 S-7795 22 578 2.4 0.4 1 0.8 56.211.920.930 4.732.361.253.5719.55.061.9 1 S-780<5 68 536 2.4 0.3 6.5 <0.859.118.228.440 4.322.661.144.3 19.45.511.4 0.88 S-781<5 67 405 2.2 0.3 1.5 <0.859 14.212 30 3.912.4 1.243.0518.94.831.5 0.89 S-782<5 110 436 2.4 0.3 2.6 <0.855.912.312.830 3.622.011.323.4523.13.551.6 0.74 S-783<5 78 541 2.6 0.5 1 <0.856.615.617.130 4.813.131.013.9419.95.3 2 0.9 S-784<5 83 627 3.3 0.7 0.7 <0.868.614.928.140 5.413.2 1.4 4.1422.45.292.1 1.07 S-785<5 102 574 2.9 0.3 0.7 <0.867.416.918.750 4.522.891.234.2126.15.882 1.08 S-786<5 98 566 2.4 0.5 3.2 0.9 58.516.633.540 5 0.97 S-787<5 51 294 1.6 0.3 3.2 <0.838.87.4 7.7 20 2.341.520.922.7819.13.2 1 0.62 S-788<5 98 407 2.1 0.4 3.3 <0.854.515.117.640 3.361.961.223.0621.24.531.7 0.67 S-789<5 143 541 3.2 0.4 6 <0.860.417.725.340 4.8 3.191.394.2319.96.26<0.51.1 S-790<5 178 543 2.3 0.6 8.3 <0.858.315.825.850 4.622.751.113.3717.95.961.1 0.91 S-791<5 293 356 1.7 0.3 1.6 <0.852 10 11.240 3.7524.64.431.4 0.72 S-792<5 85 354 1.1 0.2 19.9<0.837 9 4.7 20 3.08<0.50.6 S-793<5 97 562 2.9 0.4 0.9 0.8 55.315.330.740 4.733.031.254.2919.75.881.6 0.97 S-794<5 56 518 2.1 0.3 2 0.9 40.19 13.520 3.482.081.012.0413.43.461 0.64 S-795<5 119 528 2.6 0.4 1 <0.866.318.224.640 5.523.321.434.5421.15.6 1.3 1.1 S-7967 47 336 1.9 0.2 1.3 <0.841.98.6 8.1 20 3.351.650.972.5523.83.131.4 0.66 S-798<5 111 409 1.9 0.3 1.3 <0.876.312.112.540 5.692.781.784.2624.26.192.2 1.11 S-799<5 57 463 2.7 0.4 2.1 0.9 46 11.16.7 150 4.342.981.012.7115.44.521.6 0.92 S-800<5 58 555 3 0.4 1.2 <0.859.514.815.830 4.513.350.953.4819.34.391.9 0.98 S-801<5 112 523 2.7 0.5 1 <0.860.216.921.240 4.632.781.123.7119.45 2.1 0.9 S-8025 74 384 3.1 0.5 0.5 <0.854.915.712.630 4.932.961.275.2422.14.162.3 0.97 S-803<5 115 627 3.1 0.5 1.4 <0.882.626.833 60 5.844.091.515.7424.67.551.8 1.09 S-804<5 72 538 1.6 0.6 1 1 67.518.825.440 5.012.831.264.0319.95.151.9 1.04 S-805<5 68 485 2.5 0.4 7.6 0.8 47.710.225.630 4.632.7 0.952.9815.34.491.5 0.86 S-806<5 141 602 3 0.5 0.9 0.8 64.821.236.950 1.1 S-8085 99 517 3 0.5 0.8 0.8 70.518.128.940 5.523.111.4 4.3721 5.941.9 1.19 S-809<5 84 599 3.1 0.5 1 <0.860.317.927.340 5.253.541.444.6621 5.831.5 1.1 S-810<5 105 517 2.2 0.5 2.3 <0.858.715.135.150 4.432.760.943.5217.75.2 2.3 0.87 S-811<5 91 500 2.1 0.5 5.2 0.9 62.818.120.740 4.332.781.043.9617.84.991.8 0.88 S-8126 90 548 2.8 0.6 2.8 0.8 62.819.324.240 5.413.351.354.3319.85.682.1 1.02 S-8136 125 537 3.6 0.6 0.9 <0.870.320.129.150 5.312.9 1.174.2220.55.561.9 1.04 S-8145 76 498 3.1 0.7 0.6 <0.884.227.818.440 6.743.5 1.654.5322.47.431.8 1.22 S-815<5 56 627 2.5 0.4 1 <0.865.918.426.650 4.743.031.3 4.7522.66.381.1 1.11 S-8165 142 356 2.8 0.3 1.2 <0.877.813 22.340 3.8 1.951.394.9725.24.332.1 0.78 S-817<5 26 149 2.5 <0.11.7 <0.822.23.2 3.2 20 2.291.6 0.811.3318.52.490.8 0.54 S-818<5 57 573 2 0.2 1.3 <0.858.514.518.850 4.191.991.123.1518.15.061.6 0.82 S-819<5 43 313 3.1 0.2 1.3 <0.855 8.5 8.8 20 2.431.750.811.9118.23.550.5 0.62 S-820<5 84 448 2.9 0.4 1 0.9 61.715.322 40 4.492.581.093.6721.94.541.8 0.91 S-821<5 51 303 2.5 0.3 1.2 0.9 51.79 8.9 20 1.4 0.64 S-822<5 58 484 2.1 0.3 2.1 <0.847 10.98.9 30 3.332.351.112.7 0.87 S-823<5 59 241 2.4 0.2 1.4 0.9 42.17.2 5.2 20 2.671.490.852.1121.22.851.3 0.55 S-824<5 65 274 2.2 0.2 1.2 <0.850.58.4 9.2 20 3.581.641.132.2320.73.670.6 0.64 S-825<5 536 780 2.2 0.5 5.7 0.9 66.824.474.750 3.321.871.224.0422 4.040.9 0.73 S-826<5 61 449 2.5 0.2 1.8 1.1 50.414 10.530 15.83.880.7 0.91 S-827<5 126 690 3.6 0.5 1.1 0.9 71.817 70.550 8.934.431.674.9422.68.441.6 1.71 S-828<5 108 425 3.8 0.4 0.6 0.8 83.315.612.430 5.633.251.353.7525.96.171.1 0.98 S-829<5 95 529 2.1 0.4 0.8 <0.872.218.318.250 5.733.561.325.3 22.75.672.7 1.33 S-830<5 96 481 1.8 0.2 0.8 <0.848.314.512 30 1.14 S-8315 79 553 2.4 0.3 0.8 0.8 55.814.39.6 30 1.21 S-832<5 79 499 3.2 0.3 0.8 <0.849.115.512.740 4.162.791.154.0721.24.831.9 0.88 S-8336 101 579 2.2 0.4 0.6 1 70.920.911.450 6.663.5 1.665.7622.36.392.1 1.49 S-8345 133 567 2.8 0.4 0.6 1 62 16.514 40 5.843.331.4 4.8 19.55.322.3 1.06 S-835<5 99 538 2.9 0.4 0.8 <0.860.120.218 40 4.852.641.2 4.1519 4.852 1 S-836<5 173 553 2.2 0.3 1.2 0.8 59 19.521.240 5.062.8 1.214.6319.94.732.1 0.85 S-8375 32 443 1.8 0.3 0.7 <0.840.812.65.5 20 5.2 3.430.933.4 18.53.841.7 1.11 S-838<5 46 550 2.2 0.2 0.6 0.8 48.613.95.3 20 3.942.351 3.4819.73.912.5 0.89 S-8395 116 519 2.5 0.4 0.7 0.8 54 18.817.550 4.753.4 1.2 4.4221.15.232.1 1.01 S-8405 109 622 2.2 0.5 0.4 <0.862.617.514.450 4.863.171.284.8822.25 2.3 1.11 S-841<5 26 475 2.2 0.2 1.9 <0.856.920.56.8 40 6.043.511.445.3320.56.181.6 1.42 S-8425 115 394 1.7 0.3 0.8 <0.848.314.714.140 4.493.271.625.0720 5.5 1.5 1.18 S-8446 31 513 2.8 0.4 0.7 <0.846 12.57.7 20 4 1.991.143.5422 3.892.3 0.96 S-845<5 111 537 2.2 0.2 0.7 <0.852.716.19.8 30 5.523.471.194.4 21.14.862.3 1.25 S-847<5 223 721 1.2 0.5 12.20.8 53.423.914.750 5.1 1.02 S-848<5 67 459 1.9 0.5 3.7 <0.849.617.39 40 4.362.930.873.5517.34.761.9 0.89 S-8506 83 553 2.5 0.5 1.6 0.8 70.420.436.850 5.323.621.434.8623.86.332.3 1.1 S-851<5 120 612 1.8 0.5 1.1 <0.861.220.326.550 6.023.481.424.8821.46.021.3 1.15 S-852<5 154 592 2.5 0.5 1 <0.867.423 37.550 5.533.681.395.3123.46.6 1.6 1.1 S-853<5 86 546 2.8 0.4 4.9 <0.861 19.126.640 6.043.631.184.4820.44.812.4 1.18 S-854<5 22 399 1.7 0.3 4 0.9 48.817 5.7 60 4.743.051.334.2216.74.951.3 1.08 S-855<5 55 525 3.3 0.3 1.2 <0.862.712.88 20 4.412.951.073.2618.55.171.4 1 S-857<5 149 618 2.1 0.5 1.7 0.8 73.724.826.960 5.823.5 1.574.7622.16.672.1 1.28 S-858<5 76 661 3 0.5 0.5 <0.866.115.212 30 4.282.841.114.5922.64.332.2 0.96 S-859<5 104 684 3 0.6 0.3 <0.878.425 37.460 7.984.511.856.1429.27.932.2 1.6 S-8605 20 519 1.8 0.3 2 0.8 57.422.77.2 40 6.323.831.555.7623.26.692.3 1.47 S-8616 22 506 2.2 0.2 2 0.8 59.525.15.6 40 6.294.581.585.9722.96.282 1.44 S-8626 17 456 1.8 0.3 1.8 0.9 54 19.84.5 30 6.373.481.635.1821.95.4 2.1 1.25 Table 5. Soil Sampling Vranje South - ME-MS89L method Samp.In K pLa Li Lu Mn pMo Nb pNd pNi Pb pPr pRb pRe Sb pSe Sm pSn pSr pTa ID ppmerc ppm ppm ppmpm ppmpm pm ppmpm pm pm ppmpm ppmpm pm pm ppm S-701- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - S-702< 0.23840 2 17.730.420 29.99.03103 <0.02.6 <3 5.865 500 1.03 7 1 S-703<0.32.737 112 0.24150 <2 11.930 30 12.78.7579.60.012.7 <3 4.93<3 320 0.99 3 S-704<0.31.625.756 0.26790 <2 12.522.440 29.26.0281.3<0.01.9 <3 4.42<3 220 0.95 1 S-706< 0.31630 <2 20.626.930 16.37.7185.6<0.00.9 <3 5.06<3 250 1.51 1 1 S-707<0.32.538.7116 0.46730 3 12 40 130 33.710.4121 0.022.8 9 8.053 170 0.77 4 S-708<0.32 39.387 0.39650 3 16 33 40 24.59.0197.5<0.04.1 3 6.36<3 250 0.95 1 S-709<0.32.421.597 0.18120 2 5.6 18.320 10.15.0486.4<0.01.1 9 2.57<3 370 0.37 1 S-710- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - S-711<0.34.336.7149 0.3 360 5 13.732.640 17.78.75136 <0.08 9 7.05<3 280 0.95 5 1 S-712<0.31.934.767 0.5643302 8.7 29.3110 51.97.9497.1<0.02.1 5 6.45<3 440 0.67 2 1 S-713<0.31.841.548 0.13580 <2 14.530.920 21.18.8957.6<0.00.6 9 5.28<3 330 0.98 3 1 S-714<0.33.054 98 0.52740 2 23.144.660 22 12.7162 <0.00.5 7 8.365 280 2.52 7 1 S-715<0.32.534.349 0.37760 2 11.430.630 19.97.7 110 <0.00.8 <3 5.31<3 390 0.69 1 S-716<0.32 38.551 0.47970 4 12.831.340 25.28.78102 <0.09.4 8 6.324 330 0.78 1 S-717<0.31.841.983 0.6415604 10.635.3100 22.910.0109.<0.01.8 6 7.653 290 0.76 8 5 5 1 S-718<0.31.946.150 0.26680 <2 14.845.820 22.811.769 <0.00.6 <3 8.573 270 1 7 1 S-719< 0.42540 3 14.531.670 27.78.69115.<0.02.2 <3 6.324 200 0.86 1 5 1 S-720<0.31.739.688 0.31440 3 10.838 100 21.59 98.6<0.01.6 3 7.47<3 280 0.64 6 1 S-721<0.32.330 69 0.371080<2 13 26 70 31.76.65107.<0.01.8 4 4.773 250 0.74 4 5 1 S-723< 0.38280 <2 10.230.240 11.87.2398.6<0.00.9 5 6.04<3 350 0.72 2 1 S-724< 0.37820 <2 12.723.480 32.56.62114.<0.02 9 4.96<3 190 0.69 7 5 1 S-725< 0.28480 2 10.217.930 25.45.5767.3<0.01.3 5 4.28<3 330 0.7 3 1 S-726<0.31.537 76 0.19340 6 12.529.350 25 8.3 85 <0.02.3 <3 5.494 260 0.69 4 1 S-727<0.31.933.5138 0.32650 4 11.830.3120 26.37.74115 0.014 9 6.12<3 250 0.63 9 S-728<0.31.740.197 0.29470 <2 12.235.760 17.99.1 93.9<0.05.4 4 6.81<3 310 1.61 5 1 S-729< 0.32790 2 14.225 40 20.16.2899 <0.01.1 <3 4.12<3 340 0.86 5 1 S-730<0.32.536.465 0.361040<2 16.330.150 43.18.69135 0.014 <3 6.2 4 360 1.13 7 S-731<0.32.040 111 0.37960 2 14.431.790 34.99.1 131.<0.02.8 8 7.715 130 0.84 2 5 1 S-732< 0.32840 <2 12.326.370 30.16.93111.0.013.2 15 5.125 270 0.9 5 5 S-733<0.32.437.4165 0.39850 2 13.436.9110 35 8.78158 <0.02.9 9 6.59<3 140 0.79 8 1 S-734< 0.3 730 <2 10.820.240 21 5.7589.9<0.01.2 4 4.694 390 0.71 5 1 S-735< 0.27550 <2 12 22.140 13.55.6880.2<0.01.5 <3 4.733 380 0.76 6 1 S-736<0.31.629.260 0.54810 <2 12.723.650 28.66.8181 <0.01.6 8 4.88<3 250 0.75 1 S-737<0.31.729.965 0.4 850 <2 12.324.750 28 6.7786.8<0.02 4 4.6 <3 260 0.92 3 1 S-738<0.31.525.854 0.35490 2 9.6 21.550 12.25.7771.3<0.01 <3 4.37<3 280 0.56 9 1 S-739<0.32.348.2116 0.521050<2 13.940.380 35.110.7141.<0.02.8 <3 8.113 200 0.88 4 5 5 1 S-740< 0.381040<2 14.728.670 36.17.88110 <0.01.7 11 7.143 200 0.93 5 1 S-741< 0.43930 <2 15.133.380 32 8.31129.<0.02.1 <3 7.01<3 230 0.84 8 5 1 S-742< 0.431080<2 14.828.580 36.48.18114 <0.02.3 13 6.665 180 0.9 4 1 S-743<0.31.628.467 0.31440 2 9.7 26.450 20.86.6484.9<0.01.2 5 5.6 <3 280 0.57 2 1 S-744<0.32.234 81 0.46920 <2 12.526.170 32 7.83127.0.011.8 <3 5.38<3 300 0.86 6 5 S-745<0.32.533.695 0.29780 2 11.726.270 32.27.1 127 <0.02.2 4 5.31<3 270 0.84 5 1 S-746<0.31.320.914 0.26340 <2 7.6 17.930 10.94.4246.6<0.00.4 <3 3.4 <3 340 0.48 1 S-747<0.31.532.440 0.36520 <2 15.626.330 28.47.4578.2<0.01.5 9 5.49<3 220 0.91 5 1 S-748<0.31.833.782 0.36870 2 13.530.480 35.17.54103.<0.02.2 <3 5.46<3 190 0.74 3 5 1 S-749<0.31.839.9102 0.431020<2 17.333.690 34.78.98128 <0.02.7 3 7.073 160 0.95 5 1 S-750<0.31.332.154 0.41440 <2 15.728.350 30.77.9588.3<0.02 6 6.673 150 0.95 3 1 S-751<0.31.632.565 0.31520 <2 16.824.350 26.87.2797.3<0.02 <3 5.32<3 180 0.49 4 1 S-752<0.31.930.7101 0.32740 <2 15.729.780 32.47.5 123.<0.03.9 <3 6.85<3 160 0.51 2 5 1 S-753<0.32.338.8142 0.44920 2 16.132.590 35.29.26136 <0.02.8 <3 6.93<3 230 0.63 1 S-754< 0.52850 <2 14.930.890 31.38.16124.<0.02.1 10 6.43<3 160 0.42 2 5 1 S-755< 0.41530 <2 15.130.350 33.37.93119 <0.01.6 11 6.18<3 220 0.93 8 1 S-756<0.31.827.6109 0.311020<2 12.325.380 25.86.4887.8<0.01.5 <3 5.59<3 220 0.42 5 1 S-757<0.31.522.482 0.24520 <2 8 21.660 26.65.1682.5<0.01.5 10 4.67<3 260 <0.0 6 1 4 S-758<0.32 26.6148 0.36810 <2 12.524.190 29.96.3 5 5.18<3 400 0.37 5 S-759< 0.44860 3 15 30.190 32.68.2 121 <0.02.9 9 6.05<3 200 0.48 7 1 S-760<0.32.533.8113 0.52560 <2 14 29.1100 28.68.19140.<0.02.1 <3 6.4 <3 130 0.93 9 5 1 S-761<0.31.523.879 0.29460 <2 10.820.350 19.25.8673.2<0.00.8 <3 3.84<3 270 0.79 4 1 S-762< 0.36930 <2 15.529.890 34.88.07131 <0.02 6 6.19<3 220 0.57 9 1 S-763<0.32.739.9188 0.39890 <2 14 39.1100 42.29.34155.<0.05 <3 7.62<3 180 0.69 8 5 1 S-764<0.31.827.297 0.43980 <2 15 24.260 34.16.55101 <0.01.6 <3 5.31<3 190 0.79 3 1 S-765<0.32.134 120 0.391020<2 14.928.980 34.37.88125.<0.01.9 3 6.4 <3 210 0.51 8 5 1 S-766<0.31.631.284 0.42770 <2 14.326.470 26.97.2 94.3<0.01.8 <3 5.95<3 210 0.45 5 1 S-767< 0.49820 2 14.330.890 32.28.01121 <0.01.6 <3 6.073 150 0.89 9 1 S-768<0.31.943.8130 0.66630 <2 15.143.2100 29.211.6120.<0.02.5 <3 9.993 150 1.16 5 5 1 S-769<0.31.838.5107 0.62850 2 17.333.890 33.39.05120 <0.02.2 8 8.573 140 0.79 2 1 S-770<0.31.631.698 0.42420 <2 14.829.460 30.47.58107.<0.02.3 <3 6.493 140 0.72 6 5 1 S-771<0.31.837.9141 0.5710303 15.333.1110 38.29.14127.<0.02.4 <3 8.134 180 0.65 5 5 1 S-772<0.32.438.9179 0.37990 5 14.633.3110 43.79.2 147.<0.03.4 <3 6.553 190 0.63 2 5 1 S-773<0.31.834.4124 0.36910 <2 15.629.1100 36 7.39122 <0.03 <3 6.01<3 160 0.72 6 1 S-774< 0.41910 2 13 30.980 36.67.61114 <0.01.9 <3 6.87<3 210 0.93 9 1 S-775<0.31.827.775 0.46830 <2 10.924.350 20.16.2996.2<0.00.8 3 5.42<3 220 0.79 6 1 S-776<0.31.625.6114 0.31570 4 8.4 24.170 24.86.4895.7<0.02.7 <3 4.75<3 500 0.66 6 1 S-777< 0.49620 <2 12.928.380 26.76.91111 <0.01.5 <3 5.53<3 240 0.81 7 1 S-778<0.31.934.859 0.49790 <2 13 30.260 31.58.31100.<0.02.1 5 6.06<3 210 0.84 6 5 1 S-779<0.31.931.198 0.44270 <2 13.128.660 41.47.1590.7<0.02.1 3 5.453 230 0.88 1 S-780<0.31.929.5129 0.33770 <2 12.326.880 26.96.87110.<0.02.5 <3 4.9 3 250 0.59 3 5 1 S-781<0.31.429.399 0.34570 2 12.325.150 25.27.0672.2<0.01.7 <3 5.32<3 270 0.58 5 1 S-782<0.31.526.363 0.3 810 3 8.6 24.740 16.45.8775.3<0.01.5 5 4.32<3 360 0.63 3 1 S-783<0.31.731.282 0.33690 <2 16.926 50 28.67.31104.<0.01.5 10 5.44<3 180 0.49 8 5 1 S-784<0.32.333.7107 0.59770 2 18.628.870 32.28.11145.0.011.9 7 6.45<3 320 0.58 9 5 S-785< 0.24510 3 12.931.560 20 7.55119 <0.01.2 <3 4.943 350 0.91 9 1 S-786<0.32.332.2120 0.41870 <2 13.428.270 31.87.49128 <0.01.8 3 6.05<3 200 0.53 1 1 S-787< 0.29630 3 9.4 17.130 8.3 4.5954.70.010.7 9 3.4 <3 410 0.06 4 5 S-788<0.31.427.380 0.18570 4 10.124 50 18.96.3180.90.011.6 <3 5.18<3 390 0.25 9 S-789<0.32.338.3100 0.44840 2 11.533.4100 25.97.95111.<0.02.1 <3 6.29<3 240 0.71 1 5 1 S-790< 0.38950 <2 10.126.760 26.46.96103.<0.02.2 <3 5.75<3 390 0.21 5 5 1 S-791<0.31.425.263 0.29250 10 8.8 22.940 22.66.1267.2<0.02.5 3 4.94<3 390 0.37 8 1 S-792<0.30.617.253 0.25870 <2 6.2 16.740 16 3.9427.8<0.00.6 <3 3.13<3 580 0.31 5 5 1 S-793<0.31.927.9136 0.43740 <2 13.227 100 32.16.81111.<0.03.5 <3 5.243 160 0.67 9 5 1 S-794<0.31.418.797 0.33530 <2 11.317.350 23.94.5961.4<0.02.5 4 3.23<3 290 0.6 7 5 5 1 S-795<0.31.835.5130 0.5 890 2 11.831.680 26.48.39104 <0.02.7 <3 6.763 220 0.56 1 1 S-796<0.31.420.5126 0.24330 2 10.719.440 15.35.1 58.1<0.00.9 6 3.9 4 340 0.56 1 S-798<0.31.438.876 0.41620 4 10.537.850 17 9.1976.2<0.01.8 <3 7.763 290 0.82 2 1 S-799<0.31.822.839 0.61650 2 11.520.830 18.25.4 72.7<0.00.8 <3 4.57<3 290 0.24 7 1 S-800<0.31.831 70 0.46780 <2 14.825 50 30.57.4 97.1<0.01.9 <3 4.95<3 200 0.53 2 1 S-801< 0.28700 3 14.125.660 28.47.04117 <0.01.8 5 5.43<3 160 0.44 1 1 S-802<0.31.825.758 0.44510 <2 12.524.330 20.45.95110 0.010.6 5 5 5 290 0.89 7 S-803<0.32.141 157 0.5 12104 16 35.4110 42 9.46144 <0.02.3 <3 8.463 140 0.89 1 S-804< 0.52980 <2 15.128.770 38.48 122 <0.02.2 <3 6.13<3 170 0.5 4 1 S-805<0.31.826 98 0.39820 <2 11 21.650 27.56.2292.5<0.01.6 3 4.96<3 290 0.35 6 1 S-806<0.32.335.1139 0.3710802 13 31.390 41.77.47135 <0.03.3 <3 5.533 140 0.77 4 1 S-808<0.32 34.4109 0.5 790 5 16.330 70 31.38.32118.<0.02.1 <3 6.81<3 140 0.72 5 1 S-809<0.32 36.8107 0.45810 <2 14.832.290 35.17.65117.<0.02.6 12 6.643 130 0.95 5 1 S-810<0.32.330.3116 0.37890 <2 13.627.170 28.86.89112.<0.02.6 9 5.55<3 250 0.49 6 5 1 S-811<0.31.931.2129 0.35870 <2 13.926.6380 29.96.97105 <0.02.3 <3 5.5 <3 360 0.48 2 1 S-812< 0.41880 <2 14.829.480 30.97.95119 0.011.9 <3 7.02<3 160 0.39 3 S-813<0.31.833.6134 0.42860 3 16.829.880 38.48.39127 <0.02.5 3 7.07<3 150 0.59 6 1 S-814<0.31.740.283 0.53940 <2 19.734.470 32.19.59120 <0.02.2 <3 7.063 110 0.75 1 1 S-815< 0.37810 <2 13.835.780 33.38.08126 <0.02.2 13 6.23<3 150 0.91 5 1 S-816<0.31.737.151 0.28370 3 11.632 70 24.48.2992.10.012 4 5.93<3 310 0.67 9 S-817< 0.2390 <2 4 11.320 6.6 2.7527.1<0.0<0.317 2.25<3 380 0.27 5 5 1 S-818< 0.2710702 11.328 60 32.16.23107.<0.01.9 3 4.14<3 240 0.75 3 5 1 S-819<0.31.828.229 0.32450 <2 9.7 25.130 19.96.5472.3<0.00.9 11 4.21<3 320 0.6 7 1 S-820<0.32.432.680 0.4 640 <2 12 30.770 26.77.54117.<0.01.9 8 5.363 290 0.81 2 5 1 S-821< 0.24300 2 11.725 40 16.56.2873.6<0.00.6 17 4.37<3 330 0.67 9 1 S-822<0.31.724.643 0.43600 <2 9.3 24.540 19.25.9568.9<0.01 4 4.99<3 320 0.65 8 1 S-823< 0.25280 2 7.5 20 30 14.75.1554.6<0.00.6 <3 3.57<3 340 0.54 5 1 S-824<0.31.525.9101 0.25340 <2 7 23.140 17.76.1363.3<0.01.3 <3 4.8 <3 360 0.44 3 1 S-825<0.33.633.6135 0.3 10109 11.531.370 35.67.16192.0.0114 10 4.6 <3 550 0.69 1 5 S-826<0.31.724.655 0.33690 2 9.8 23.240 23.15.8276.6<0.01.2 9 5.12<3 290 0.56 6 1 S-827<0.32.445.7117 0.53930 <2 12.744.6100 33.710.4169.<0.02.7 11 8.58<3 200 0.73 4 5 1 S-828<0.32.238 72 0.25270 2 22.333.560 20.98.64110 0.012.1 <3 6.354 260 1.17 6 S-829< 0.54780 <2 13.631.890 23.38.42123.<0.01.7 <3 6.723 120 0.84 1 5 1 S-830<0.31.722.151 0.5 630 <2 9.4 20.240 15.75.8482.2<0.01.3 <3 4.53<3 190 0.61 7 1 S-831< 0.52860 <2 13.424.340 24.86.39103 <0.01 <3 5.21<3 220 0.84 9 1 S-832< 0.4 660 <2 10.423.450 19.95.95100.<0.00.8 <3 4.943 200 0.78 9 5 1 S-833< 0.6 950 3 12 32.570 20.98.43106 <0.01.3 3 6.773 130 0.78 4 1 S-834<0.31.829.788 0.4910102 12.228.970 28.17.54103 0.011.7 3 5.86<3 150 0.78 8 S-835< 0.44880 2 12.427.470 25.86.89113.<0.00.9 5 4.3 <3 160 0.88 2 5 1 S-836< 0.35860 <2 11.124 310 22.36.55119 <0.01.9 5 4.58<3 190 0.84 2 1 S-837<0.31.819.2107 0.52720 <2 11.619.730 19.55.0273.7<0.00.6 5 3.65<3 300 0.86 2 5 5 1 S-838<0.32.321.5135 0.41660 <2 12.222 250 23.95.7993.7<0.01.1 6 5.384 360 0.94 9 1 S-839< 0.47720 <2 13 25.490 25 6.7 122 <0.01 4 5.27<3 150 0.9 4 1 S-840<0.32.330.398 0.51750 2 14.827.780 26.46.81134.<0.01.1 <3 5.07<3 130 1.06 8 5 1 S-841<0.31.726.934 0.571060<2 13.326.840 24.86.7976.8<0.00.9 <3 5.91<3 230 0.85 3 1 S-842< 0.5 460 <2 8.7 26.550 24 6.4974.30.011 <3 5.78<3 130 0.53 8 S-844< 0.31600 <2 11.321.730 18.75.3994.90.011 13 4.115 330 0.61 8 S-845<0.32 26.439 0.59850 <2 13.525.930 19 6.4 86.2<0.01.2 <3 4.7 <3 270 0.93 1 S-847<0.32.925.190 0.3611608 9.1 26 70 23.76.4493.4<0.04.6 <3 5.31<3 500 0.18 2 1 S-848<0.32.024 80 0.41750 <2 12.421.570 22.95.8890.70.011 7 5.57<3 180 0.35 4 S-850<0.33.937.2114 0.56760 <2 14.233.9380 30.48.82168.<0.01.3 <3 5.943 100 0.94 7 5 1 S-851< 0.5 1000<2 12.429.990 28.18.09121 0.011.7 <3 6.36<3 180 0.36 4 S-852<0.32.534 137 0.4310902 13.231.890 32.18.1 140 <0.04.4 <3 6.51<3 150 0.42 2 1 S-853< 0.51850 <2 11.928.470 29 7.49125 <0.02.1 5 5.45<3 310 0.88 2 1 S-854<0.31.524 32 0.54950 2 11.625.540 22.76.2472.1<0.00.9 <3 5.25<3 200 0.74 5 1 S-855<0.31.732.632 0.47590 <2 14.428.930 19.37.7392.6<0.0<0.3<3 5.92<3 200 0.62 7 1 S-857<0.32.336.6128 0.5815302 11.832 100 55.98.61141 <0.02.4 4 7.06<3 190 0.85 1 S-858<0.32.829.688 0.5 560 2 13.526.950 21.36.98133.<0.01 6 4.91<3 160 0.9 6 5 1 S-859<0.34.839.3127 0.5211703 15 35.5110 29.59.84222 <0.02.4 <3 8.02<3 380 1.19 2 1 S-860<0.31.726.528 0.551050<2 13.428.160 22.86.9880.9<0.00.5 3 6.66<3 250 0.89 3 1 S-861<0.31.727.928 0.591100<2 14.528.750 28.27.5 80.2<0.00.9 <3 6.863 250 0.88 7 1 S-862<0.31.526.825 0.57960 <2 12.328.6340 22.66.4766.3<0.00.6 6 5.76<3 240 0.78 5 1 Table 6. Soil Sampling Vranje South - ME-MS89L method Samp.Tb Te pTh pTi pTl pTm U V W Y Yb pZn ID ppmpm pm erc pm ppm ppm pp ppm pppm ppm m m S-701- - - - - - - - - - - - S-7020.57<0.510.60.410.760.292.8 76 1.6 17.1.9960 7 9 S-7030.48<0.59.6 0.330.260.182.1 72 2 12.1.4180 6 S-7040.52<0.58 0.440.560.322.2 79 1.8 19.1.9770 6 7 S-7060.7 <0.59.5 0.480.630.343.2 71 1.6 20 2.1660 7 S-7071.14<0.512.40.460.940.513.1 1402.4 34.3.56120 4 8 S-7080.75<0.510.80.411.050.372.5 1061.5 24.2.5490 9 6 S-7090.32<0.54.6 0.240.1 0.121.6 39 1 10.1.1570 8 6 S-710- - - - - - - - - - - - S-7110.810.5 11.20.511.220.382.9 1411.4 22.1.99110 8 8 S-7121.010.9 12.80.320.970.5716.21341.8 39.4.02100 2 7 S-7130.45<0.59.6 0.430.380.182.5 60 0.9 12.0.9 70 4 6 S-7141.120.7 16.10.691.060.545.3 1592.1 38.3.73170 9 9 S-7150.64<0.58.3 0.390.6 0.262.3 64 1.3 21.2.3960 9 S-7160.69<0.510.40.331.290.262.8 98 1.6 21.2.11100 3 3 S-7171.120.5 10.30.350.840.6 3.8 1212.5 48.3.5590 9 6 S-7180.72<0.511.60.530.420.243.7 63 1.1 16.1.4 90 5 5 S-7190.77<0.511.80.420.810.312.2 1281.7 25.2.5380 3 3 S-7200.8 <0.511.50.390.610.332.5 99 1.6 22.2.12100 4 5 S-7210.670.8 9 0.410.8 0.352.1 1022 23.2.73120 1 9 S-7230.630.5 8 0.340.280.352.1 68 1.2 21.2.3870 9 2 S-7240.61<0.59.3 0.430.6 0.332.2 98 2.2 20.2.2 100 8 8 S-7250.350.6 7.2 0.310.440.232.1 59 1 15.1.7250 8 7 S-7260.71<0.510.10.360.730.282.5 1161.8 21.2.1990 9 1 S-7270.67<0.59.4 0.400.610.233.2 1261.7 21.2.1 130 1 6 S-7280.84<0.511 0.410.510.362.5 1072.3 24.1.8690 3 5 S-7290.55<0.58.1 0.320.590.3 2.5 63 1.5 22.2.7260 9 1 S-7300.741.1 11 0.431.090.382.6 1082.2 23.2.5 90 6 8 S-7311.030.7 11.70.440.930.5 2.2 1512.4 33.2.97110 4 1 S-7320.76<0.510.10.420.730.372.2 1142 25.2.6990 1 8 S-7330.92<0.512 0.461.010.442.6 1482.6 28.3.19130 8 S-7340.38<0.57.4 0.290.590.262.2 60 1.2 16.1.5160 3 9 S-7350.580.5 6.7 0.360.340.261.5 75 2 19.1.6370 4 3 S-7360.710.6 9.1 0.420.5 0.422.3 80 1.8 26 3 50 1 S-7370.68<0.59 0.390.530.4 2.4 88 1.6 24.2.2880 1 9 S-7380.62<0.56.8 0.290.410.351.9 82 0.9 23.1.77110 8 4 S-7391.25<0.512.20.431.150.583 1252.5 41.4 110 9 1 S-7400.66<0.510.70.470.670.462.3 1022.6 29.2.9580 1 S-7410.990.7 11.10.500.930.442.6 1172.2 33.3.16110 3 5 S-7420.920.6 11.10.450.740.492.2 1195.4 30.3.2 90 8 5 S-7430.66<0.57.4 0.360.620.332 89 1.6 22.1.6190 4 7 S-7440.81<0.510.30.420.910.582.4 1142.2 30.2.79100 2 1 S-7450.560.8 10.60.400.7 0.331.9 1252.3 23.2.2190 3 3 S-7460.4 <0.54.3 52 0.7 13.1.0240 7 7 S-7470.680.7 10.50.410.550.382.3 82 2.3 25.2.3750 9 6 S-7480.8 <0.510 0.440.760.5 2.1 1022.3 28.2.7780 5 5 S-7490.97<0.512.10.470.950.542.3 1302.7 32 3.1980 4 S-7500.81<0.510.70.400.7 0.322 1102.1 26.2.4570 6 3 S-7510.81<0.510.20.480.660.372.4 1042.1 26.2.3470 1 7 S-7520.79<0.510.90.440.730.392.2 1252.4 25.2.34100 5 1 S-7530.92<0.513 0.490.890.462.6 1572.7 32.2.79110 4 6 S-7540.99<0.511.80.440.730.462.3 1332.1 31.3.13100 1 3 S-7551.09<0.510.90.480.810.5 2.9 1312.3 33.3.5490 4 8 S-7560.66<0.59.1 0.400.530.362.1 1072 24 2.5 80 4 S-7570.55<0.57.4 0.280.470.281.7 93 1.8 22.2.1280 3 5 S-7580.7 <0.59.3 0.340.790.3 2.4 1121.6 23.2.5490 9 1 S-7590.96<0.512.10.440.890.532.4 1372.2 31 3.6890 5 S-7600.93<0.510.10.470.850.482.3 1612.2 33.3.18110 5 2 S-7610.51<0.57.2 0.350.420.332.8 94 2 19 1.6270 6 S-7620.93<0.511.70.460.780.432.3 1322.4 28.3.1190 3 1 S-7631 <0.512.80.471.1 0.492.9 1472.6 35.3.25170 4 5 S-7640.67<0.59.3 0.440.630.422.5 95 2.3 24.2.2470 9 8 S-7650.84<0.511.40.470.810.432.2 1282.4 28.2.7690 5 3 S-7660.72<0.59.8 0.400.750.371.8 1122.2 24.2.2380 7 9 S-7670.9 <0.511.10.490.810.442.4 1242.8 31.3.5 100 6 8 S-7681.55<0.511.10.450.710.752.2 1362.5 46.4.81100 4 7 S-7691.02<0.512 0.470.920.572.4 1342.9 36.3.4890 4 7 S-7700.79<0.510.70.440.860.4 1.9 1282.2 24.2.7580 8 7 S-7710.93<0.512.80.420.940.522.3 1401.9 31.2.8 100 8 7 S-7720.93<0.513.80.420.930.432.3 1472.2 31.2.9 120 7 3 S-7730.92<0.511.60.430.880.4 2 1322.1 28.2.91100 5 6 S-7740.94<0.510.30.420.740.4 2.6 1322.3 30.3.13100 9 3 S-7750.75<0.58.8 0.370.610.382.5 1042.3 25.2.8470 5 9 S-7760.76<0.57.9 0.280.7 0.283.5 1031.5 21.2.0590 8 7 S-7770.78<0.59.2 0.420.6 0.412.2 1122.1 28.3.1 90 2 4 S-7780.94<0.510.10.420.720.382.7 1062.4 27.3.26100 9 4 S-7790.87<0.59 0.400.7 0.412.9 1041.9 25.2.7990 2 9 S-7800.870.6 10.10.410.730.461.8 1222.1 27.2.75100 4 2 S-7810.62<0.58.9 0.370.490.342.3 89 2 24.2.0870 6 S-7820.63<0.56.1 0.330.6 0.312.4 84 1.3 19.1.9170 7 1 S-7830.72<0.510.30.460.610.312.2 1202.6 26.2.4280 3 1 S-7840.89<0.512.90.491.090.7 2.8 1293.1 26.3.08100 7 4 S-7850.69<0.511.70.470.840.372.5 1462.3 25.2.58120 7 8 S-7860.76<0.510.40.430.990.432.4 1302.2 30.2.62110 5 2 S-7870.45<0.54.6 0.320.210.192 74 1.1 15.1.2650 7 6 S-7880.61<0.57.6 0.340.540.242.3 90 1.6 19.1.7570 4 S-7890.88<0.510.80.380.780.412 1142 33.2.9390 1 4 S-7900.76<0.59.9 0.330.750.422.8 1151.7 27.2.1660 4 6 S-7910.610.6 6.2 0.320.370.233.2 84 1.9 18.2.0280 2 5 S-7920.430.5 8.3 2.9 41 1.3 18.2.0530 4 6 S-7930.850.5 10.10.420.650.412.2 1212 27.2.76100 2 1 S-7940.48<0.56.5 0.380.440.341.8 64 1.2 19.1.9960 5 8 S-7950.950.6 10.80.400.710.372.3 1252 30.3.1390 9 9 S-7960.460.8 5.7 0.340.430.251.8 72 1.2 17.1.7 70 2 S-7981.03<0.59.6 0.370.420.453.1 1141.9 31 2.6490 6 S-7990.74<0.56.7 0.360.420.382.7 82 1.4 26.3.0250 8 S-8000.76<0.510.40.470.760.422.2 1062 27.2.6 70 2 3 S-8010.79<0.510.20.400.720.372.7 1141.8 25 2.6280 6 S-8020.670.6 9.8 0.630.480.422 1612 26 2.5280 S-8031.18<0.514 0.470.970.532.2 1702.8 34.3.26120 7 1 S-8040.92<0.511.30.480.770.452.1 1202 29.2.7690 1 1 S-8050.71<0.58 0.360.620.412.2 92 2 26.2.7180 3 S-8060.791.4 11.30.470.850.472.3 1292.2 29.3.17120 7 5 S-8080.86<0.511.40.470.930.482.1 1322.4 28.2.99100 6 8 S-8090.84<0.511.40.510.740.4 2.3 1322.4 29.3.24110 3 4 S-8100.93<0.510.20.460.780.432.4 1061.7 25.2.7390 2 6 S-8110.76<0.510.60.430.770.372.7 1202.4 26 2.4770 4 S-8120.8 0.5 11.20.450.810.422.2 1272.1 29.2.71100 9 S-8130.8 <0.511.60.461.020.452.3 1332.4 28.2.8190 4 8 S-8141.13<0.511.40.510.790.472.2 1422.7 37.3.5990 1 1 S-8150.92<0.511.70.520.980.412.6 1282.8 31.3.15100 6 3 S-8160.590.7 12.20.370.620.3 2.5 1141.5 19 1.2890 9 S-8170.36<0.52.1 30 0.4 14.1.2540 2 3 S-8180.68<0.59 0.400.670.352.3 86 2.1 23.2.48100 9 4 S-8190.6 <0.58.4 0.320.410.2 2 53 1.2 17.1.7150 6 9 S-8200.84<0.59.3 0.390.660.322 1022.2 25.2.4190 5 2 S-8210.590.5 7.5 0.350.350.292.2 65 1.5 18.1.5760 2 S-8220.63<0.56.7 0.340.330.322.3 68 1.1 23.3.3260 9 5 S-8230.47<0.55.4 0.290.360.271.7 53 1.3 15.1.6450 7 6 S-8240.63<0.56.5 0.290.360.291.7 54 1.1 19.1.9 40 2 3 S-8250.64<0.510.20.392.270.292.6 1382 20.1.91150 8 2 S-8260.64<0.57.4 0.350.510.4 2.4 72 1.6 24.2.3660 3 3 S-8271.3 <0.511.90.421.040.615.1 1292.5 48.4.09110 1 6 S-8280.74<0.513.20.420.8 0.471.8 95 2.3 27.2.5190 7 7 S-8291.1 <0.510.50.460.890.512.9 1562.8 37.3.36110 2 3 S-8300.92<0.57.4 0.430.490.522.6 1291.5 30.3.2160 9 7 S-8310.76<0.58.8 0.500.560.382.4 1221.9 30 3.6 80 7 S-8320.78<0.58.3 0.430.660.422.3 1271.9 26.2.9580 3 3 S-8331.180.7 10.20.470.590.542.7 1541.9 38.3.5 90 2 3 S-8340.87<0.59.1 0.430.620.442.6 1361.5 30.2.91100 8 5 S-8350.78<0.59 0.490.760.472.7 1272.2 30.2.9990 5 4 S-8360.97<0.59.3 0.460.690.362.8 1472.2 28 2.6190 S-8370.84<0.57.2 0.530.350.522.8 1061.4 31.3 50 7 4 S-8380.71<0.57.3 0.520.5 0.4 3 1202 26.2.5450 2 6 S-8390.87<0.59.3 0.460.690.512.5 1342.5 31 3.4690 9 S-8400.91<0.59.9 0.500.880.463.3 1462.6 29.3.6290 6 3 S-8410.96<0.56.7 0.750.530.5 2.3 1801.6 35.3.7 100 4 S-8420.88<0.56.1 0.540.420.432 1741.7 30.3.1 60 1 S-8440.57<0.57.9 0.530.420.342.1 1102 25.2.9160 3 5 S-8450.94<0.58.5 0.600.460.572.5 1351.5 36.3.4760 9 4 S-8470.9 <0.59 0.331.2 0.373 1251.3 29.2.4580 9 5 S-8480.74<0.57.7 0.450.540.392 1091.6 24.2.2380 1 5 S-8501.02<0.511.60.460.790.472.8 1542.2 32.3.34120 8 3 S-8510.98<0.511.50.490.760.543.1 1472 35.3.3 100 4 1 S-8520.95<0.512.40.480.820.472.7 1611.8 32.3.21100 2 8 S-8530.87<0.59.4 0.450.840.412.6 1381.9 31.3.14100 7 9 S-8540.91<0.56 0.590.470.472 1451.3 32.3.39230 6 7 S-8550.79<0.510.40.500.330.492.5 88 1.4 28.3.0760 2 6 S-8571.04<0.511.30.421.1 0.553.2 1412.4 37.3.13110 1 4 S-8580.7 <0.510.20.460.780.423.2 1361.7 26.3.0380 8 7 S-8591.15<0.513.90.490.9 0.553 2112.3 44 4.41110 S-8601.080.5 6.3 0.740.540.612.5 1981.5 37.4.1 100 5 S-8611.15<0.56.6 0.8 0.490.682.3 2101.4 41.4.09120 2 S-8621.08<0.57.4 0.710.530.522.2 1751.4 34.3.73100 6 8 JORC Table 1. This table applies to the Vranje-South project work program CRITERIA COMMENTARY Sampling The following Stream Sediment techniques sampling technique was followed by the Company throughout the Vranje-South project survey: Stream sediments comprise clastic and hydromorphic components, including detrital grains, clays, colloids, organic matter and Fe-Mn coatings on c lasts . In view of this diversity it is important to collect the most appropriate size fraction consistent with the objectives of the survey. In mineral exploration the objective is to enhance the anomaly contrast (peak/background ratio) in order to increase the chances of identifying a potential mineralized bedrock source. -Sites are selected with the following factors in mind --Avoid obvious sources of contamination: sample upstream (at least 50 m) from roads and habitation. --Where valleys are steeply incised avoid collapsed bank material by sampling near the center of the stream. --Avoid areas of winnowed sediment. Fine-grained material at the margins of the water course may be better. --Avoid deposits of well-sorted gravel and areas of limited sediment accumulation. --For consistency, always sample mater ial deposited in the same setting in a stream e.g. do not mix material from heavy mineral traps with fine sediment banks. -Sample collection --Location was made with Garmin- GPS map 64 --Wash sieves and pans in stream immediately prior to sampling. The sieve with the 2 mm cloth is placed on top of the fine sieve and both are mounted on top of the pan. --Collect sediment from several points on the stream bed to produce a representative composite sample. The top 10-20 cm of sediment is discarded to avoid spurious high contents of Fe and Mn in oxide coatings. --Load coarse sediment into the top sieve with minimum input of water. Remove large clasts by hand and rub the material through the top sieve, wearing rubber gloves. Remove the top sieve and continue careful rubbing and shaking until adequate fine material (normally about 100 g dry weight) has passed through the lower (fine) sieve into the pan beneath. No coarse particles should be allowed to enter the fine fraction sample. --Leave sample to settle for a fixed time, typically about 15-20 minutes. During this period panned-concentrate and water samples may be collected, and site data are recorded. --Decant excess water to leave a final volume of 200-250 ml. Homogenize this by gentle agitation with stirring, and carefully decant into a clean numbered Kraft bag using a clean funnel. Place the sealed bag in a thin polythene bag and secure with a loose knot for transportation in an upright position. --Wash all equipment thoroughly in the stream before packing away. --Collect duplicate samples at some sites to monitor within-site variability. In a regional survey field duplicates are normally collected from every 100th site. Prenumbered field cards, randomized in blocks of 100 numbers, are issued to the sampling teams. At each site the appropriate number is allocated to all sample containers, which are sealed onsite Sampling procedure which the Company followed for Rock sampling: · Once the sample location has been determined, its location is defined and recorded by using a hand held GPS · Approximately 2 Kg of sample material is collected, ensuring that the sample is representative of the outcrop being sampled · The sample is placed into the sampling container, which is labeled according to the attributed sample number. · All relevant information with regard to the outcrop was recorded. Sampling procedures which the Company followed for Soil sampling: · Locate the predesignated sampling position using a hand-held GPS · In areas where deep moist soils exist, a hand soil auger is usually required to reach the soil horizon · Hand auger down to get through the humus layer and the sample is obtained approximately 20cm below the surface of the soil horizon, if possible from the A horizon · To avoid cross contamination a nylon brush is used to clean the dirt and mud from the sampling equipment before the sample is collected. · The sample is sieved on-site using an 80 mesh sieve, 178 micrometers, using a stack of sieves with progressively finer mesh sizes. · Approximately 1-2kg of sampled material is collected · samples are placed in a labeled plas tic bag (outside and a sample ticket is placed inside the bag) and is sealed onsite · The samples are stored in a dry and secure container on the project area · The samples are submitted to the laboratory while observing sample handling and handover protocols Mr. Jerry Aiken is the Competent Person, as far as this announcement (and this JORC Table 1) is concerned. Mr. Aiken judges these stream sediment and rock sample results to be sufficiently reliable for the purpose of defining the main zones of interest at Vranje-South project. The results will only be used to guide the initial phases of Jadars work, and do not form part of any resource estimate. Drilling Not Applicable techniques Drill sample Not Applicable recovery Logging Not Applicable Sub-sampling Not Applicable techniques and sample preparation Quality of assay The samples were submitted to the ALS data and laboratory in laboratory tests Bor (ISO 17025 accredited) for analysis: All samples were analyzed by the ALS method ME0MS61L. The Company did not conduct routine QA/QC analysis on the results, including the systematic utilization of certified reference materials, blanks, and umpire laboratory check assays, as at the time of the sampling program, the Company did not have access to certified reference materials. All work was supervised and authorized by a person qualified under the JORC Code guidelines. Jadars CP is confident that the analytical and assay techniques and QA/QC protocols implemented by the ALS laboratory were appropriate and adequate for the purposes of defining zones of interest in the area. These sample media and techniques and assays were not part of a resource estimate. Verification of No drilling or mineralization sampling and reported here. assaying No drilling or twinning of holes reported here. No adjustments were made to the assay data. Location of data Not applicable as there is not points Mineral Resource Stream samples: Grid System: WGS84; GCS_WGS_1984 WKID: 4326; Datum: D_WGS_1984 Spheroid: WGS_1984; Angular Unit: Degree Stream sediment and rock sampling locations were determined by a hand-held GPS. Topographic accuracy is estimated to be within 30-50 meters. Topographic control is not considered relevant, as it does not relate to Mineral Resources Data spacing and Stream Sediment and soil samples were distribution collected on an estimated density of two samples per 1 square Km. The location of stream samples was determined by local stream distribution. The soil samples were collected on a 1km grid, where stream density did - not allow for adequate coverage with soil samples. Mr. Jerry Aiken considers that the sample/data spacing and distribution which deployed in the 2018 stream sediment survey and the rock sampling exercise to be sufficient and adequate for orientation purposes. Infill soil sampling and further scouting will be undertaken in areas which were defined as anomalous in this survey No mineral resource or ore reserve is being reported. Sample composite was not employed. Orientation of The stream sediment and soil surveys data in were designed to cover the majority relation to of the license and on an approximate geological 2 sample to 1km2 sampling density. structure The sample locations and distribution was determined by the local stream distribution. The rock samples were collected from outcropping areas and where the outcrop had pegmatitic texture. Not applicable as no drilling is reported by the company. Not applicable as no drilling is reported by the company. Sample Throughout the sampling program, all security prescribed sample handling protocols were adhered to. The sample handling protocols included; · Each day after sample collection, the samples were stored in a central, secured location within the project area after being catalogued and labeled. · On completion of the sampling program, the samples were transported directly to the ALS laboratory in Bor, where relevel ALS personnel signed off the receipt of the samples. · The CP assumes that all ALS internal sample handling procedures were adhered to. The CP judges that the sample handling protocols which were implemented throughout the program were sufficient to maintain sample integrity. Audits or No audits have reviews been undertaken Section 2 Reporting of Exploration Results (Criteria listed in the preceding section also apply to this section.) Criteria Mineral tenement · Centurion Metals DOO, a 100% owned and land tenure subsidiary of status Jadar resources LTD, is a 100% holder of Vranje-South mineral exploration license (License # 2225). The license is located in southern Serbia. · At time of reporting the company license is in good standing and the company plans to comply with all provisions relating to the Serbian mining law Exploration done · Historical work has been conducted by other on the parties Vranje-South project area by various Serbian and Yugoslav state geological agencies. The Company is not aware of the results of these investigations. Geology · The CP judges, from the data which is available at time of this announcement, that the mineralisation style may be related to blind (not outcropping) sediment hosted lithium-borate mineralisation Drill hole · Not relevant as no drilling is Information being reported in this announcement Data aggregation · No data aggregation methods were methods used in this announcement · No metal equivalent formulas were used in reporting of any results Relationship · No drilling intercepts are reported between here. mineralisation widths and intercept lengths Diagrams · No drilling results are presented in this announcement. Balanced reporting· The reporting here covers the area of the companys current focus. Further data analysis and interpretation may result in the definition of new targets Other substantive · No information available on exploration metallurgy, ground water, bulk data density or rock stability. · Integration and interpretation of the various data sets are on-going Further work The Company plans to execute a gridded soil sampling program over the anomalous areas in the northern and eastern part of the permit. The sampling program will be aimed at defining the source of the anomalies defined by the stream sediment sampling. On definition of soil anomalies, the company will conduct detailed mapping and possibly follow up with trenching. The company believes that the Soil sampling anomalies may be related to sediment hosted lithium borate mineralization at depth.


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